Notes are VERY much appreciated. I really do use them.
I wonder if they'll have that demo where the brother turns down a promotion because he's worried it will interfere with his meeting attendance?
Amazing. I've only been to 15 meetings and I've already seen this doozy.
As a non-jw I have a lot more leeway so, with a confused look I turned to the stranger next to me and asked , "So... why doesn't he go to another mid-week service at another Hall that offers a daytime service?"
Annoyed, she retorted, "We don't have service in the daytime and it's because he has to go where he's assigned!"
A few seconds later, I responded, "Why doesn't the Watchtower provide services during the day? The Vatican does. And about this assignment, if you're all saying the same thing, what difference does it make to God if you go on a different day?"
I was promptly hushed.