So minimus is actually maximus?
. Does that make this impostor an impostate?
i think these boards are great!
it gives us the opportunity to express our feelings, our viewpoints, our concerns, etc.
when we were jws we could not freely do any of that.
So minimus is actually maximus?
. Does that make this impostor an impostate?
long story, short; angelo was bad, he went to prison.
dan was bad, he went to prison too.
dan became a dub and studied with angelo.
As I read it, my mouth fell further and further open. All I could think was... "do the ones I know and love really believe this happened?"
It made me think of the infamous "Andre" JWNers talk about.
long story, short; angelo was bad, he went to prison.
dan was bad, he went to prison too.
dan became a dub and studied with angelo.
Maybe this is Dan... or Angelo... (An exact "copy and paste" of an actual Facebook post)
consider these experience:
A sister was reading her examining the scriptures one morning, unknown to her,she kept her door opened when she woked up that morning and went to ease herself then a thief sneaked into the house and hide under her bed,The sister began by singing a song from our song book..then the bible text for that day was ''LET THE STEALERS STEAL NO MORE BUT LET HIM DO HARD WORK...and it was supported with the bible portion that says NO THIEF NOR GREEDY PERSON WILL INHERIT GOD'S KINGDOM....after she finished she prayed and stood up from the palour leaving her bible on the table,when she came into the palour to her suprice..her bible was lost..the thief had stolen her bible...two years later the sister went to a district convention,to her greatest delight the man that was a thief has stolen her bible.sudy the bible and got baptised..then he brought the bible to the sister and told her these sister was so happy..Her lost bible won a soul...SO ALWAYS REMEMBER TO READ THE BIBLE,PRAY REGULARLY AND EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES DAILY
a documentary states that this cult leader, who claims to be jesus, used to be "a jehovah's witness pastor".
i guess they mean elder.
does anybody from australia recognize him?.
Thanks Hidden-Window. How the heck did I miss that? I wonder if his parents were/are JWs.
my husband and i have been out of the org for quite some time, but still find that old ideas and values come up and bite us on the ass.. lately, i've been plagued by an increase in the frequency and severity of my nightmares (which have always been an issue,) so i've begun to dream journal.
in just a few days, this realization cropped up.
i can't save people.. i've been blogging again recently.
In my conversations with individuals in their 50's and 60's who were raised as JWs and left (w/o being baptised), they seem to have been adversely affected by the "fact" that the huge buildings they could see in the distance were going to be destroyed and all the non-jws were going to die. I have limited contact with JWs but the striking similarities of childhoods being affected by the fear of death that was going to befall non-JWs seems to be a common theme.
I'm sure that my imagination of this type of childhood couldn't possibly create the physiological effects from which you suffer.
I hate that you still suffer.
a documentary states that this cult leader, who claims to be jesus, used to be "a jehovah's witness pastor".
i guess they mean elder.
does anybody from australia recognize him?.
Guess I should have been paying closer attention. Had it playing in the background and missed the JW connection. :(
i was talking to a jw friend of mine who is going for tests to see if she needs evasive surgery.
she was describing to me the look on the surgeons face when she told him she won't except blood.
i just felt sorry for her.
Welcome Myjourney. :)
I started off with the vaccination policy quotes after a JW friend of mine insisited I get a flu shot. They weren't happy to see that. Moved onto organ transplant quotes and they were appalled. Somehow, they couldn't see the correlation between those misstatements and the potential for a doctrinal change in the blood policy.
I was told, "Unlike those policies, the blood doctrine is scriptural."
i was thinking of doing a pop-in visit when they're doing their thing(what ever that might be).
to just see what it is that lures and hooks people, like our son.
i was worried there is some sort of subliminal messages in audio or video that start to brain-wash a person.
Once dunked, she was abandoned like nuclear waste.
OUCH! That made me laugh... :)
Actually, it feels kinda creepy to have people ask "where were you last Sunday, we missed you!"...
"uh... you just met me once two weeks ago in a 30 second exchange. I didn't really feel that we had THAT kind of connection. Did you?"
When and if you go, please pay attention to the spirits eminating from the children. All ages. That's what told the truth for me.
i was thinking of doing a pop-in visit when they're doing their thing(what ever that might be).
to just see what it is that lures and hooks people, like our son.
i was worried there is some sort of subliminal messages in audio or video that start to brain-wash a person.
I'm a non and never have been a jw observer. 😄 No need to tell them any more than you need to but THEY WILL ASK. My recommendation is to say that you are looking for a new "church"* and decided to be open and consider ALL denominations. That's it. End of story.
i don't know how often you've attended church if at all. In mainstream churches, depending on congregation size, visitors are so commonplace there's no more greeting towards them than the regular adherents. In my experience in KHs, there are NO VISITORS. It's the oddest thing to me. All that walking around passing out literature and nobody is motivated to see what the fuss is about. SO, you will be such an anomaly that people WILL notice your existence.
When you go, prepare to be insulted and know that you will have to forgive them... Several times.
*Stay in your own terminology.
i was a jw kid.
i remember having to sit still through long, boring meetings.
i remember being taken to the book room for numerous spankings.
This was one of the things that struck me when I sat through a few meetings at the Kingdom Hall. I see children, but none speak. They don't even smile. The children look so... I think the word might be ...somber. It seems like women and children do not move except to walk to the bathroom and return.
To be honest, seeing a child shift in his/her seat would make me see them as "normal." Making an autistic child sit through those meetings is unimaginable.