LosingIt -
Non-jw here. You've never been offended by a JW before? If not, you're going to have to develop a thicker skin and definitely deepen your relationships with other non-jws.
I remember the first time I sneezed in a roomful of JWs. I was totally confused by the failure of any one of these pious ones to say, "Bless You." Silly me! They may as well have said in unison, "F you!"
I remember the first time I told two of them - on the day of my birthday that it WAS my birthday. Awkward silence followed.... WTH? I felt like screaming... "Let's practice. The POLITE response is, 'oh! I didn't know!... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'" They may as well have said, "F you."
I remember the first time I invited one to meet a family member who was coming into town on Thanksgiving. No response and no appearance. Their failure to respond was rude. I would have appreciated it if they would have said, "F you." At least I would have known they weren't coming.
I remember the first time I was told that the reason for not visiting a church was because of a desire to only be involved with "TRUE" worship. I'm thinking they may as well have said, "F you." I would have gotten that.
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, "I'm not leaving Jehovah..." after I presented a carefully constructed offer to show the arguments (courtroom-style argument, not combative argument) that supported Trinitarianism. Took me a few minutes, but I soon realized the response translated to, "F you."
I remember ALL the times I've asked JWs to support THEIR doctrines with respect to
- Jesus being their mediator,
- The word "Jehovah" being the creation of a Roman Catholic monk (according to THEIR literature),
- The year 1914 being originally a prophecy of Armegeddon,
- The year 606 being the original date of the destruction of the temple that was later moved to 607,
- Nobody else on planet Earth knowing anything about 607 being the date of the destruction - INCLUDING THE JEWS THEMSELVES,
- Michael aka Christ,
- Marriages after Armegeddon being non-existent,
- the 144,000 being Jewish male virgins,
- ... should I go on?
Guess my response for each query ...either they pulled a disappearing act or stated "I can't give you any more information than I already have. THAT'S the answer."
Each of them may as well have said, "F you."
Go disppear with a non-jw and have coffee. When your BF finally says, what'd you do?... tell him you spent the time with non-jws and really appreciated their celebration of your existence in this world.
"F" him.
I doubt that you do, but gosh I wish you lived near me. *giggling*