I JUST had a conversation with a group of witnesses into the wee hours of this morning.
The eunich was not reading "the BIBLE." It didn't exist. He was connected to means and therefore had access to Hebrew scrolls. He was reading scriptures that had existed for a few hundred (yes, "hundred") years and trying to make application of Isaiah's words to this "Yeshua" dude (wrangling with the Maschiach ben Yosef/Maschiach ben David challenge, I suppose).
Gentiles were being baptized with absolutely no reference material. Hebrew scriptures were unobtainable to the common person and there was absolutely no Christian New Testament. Our New Testament scriptures seem to suggest that these ignorant masses were considered accepted by God but somehow to be accepted by God in the 21st century one must endure hours of study with a WTS adherent.
The acceptance of an Almighty being contigent upon the acceptance of one group of men's hermeneutics is complete arrogance.
Seeing a WT illustration of two "First-Century Christians" preaching door-to-door in Palestine (with book bags and scrolls, no less) a few years back was one of the more surreal WTF moments I experienced when my fade was in gear...
I would love to see this picture.