Its great to see that my sarcasm hasn't been misinterpreted by all. OK, lets get into it.
I own a gun and I know how to use it (I hate this statement). In my younger more macho years I was quite the marksman, I was a cop, guns are part of the whole indoctrination. I even have a first place shooting trophy (registered master with a hand gun) letting anyone who happens upon the dark corners of my closet to admire it and say oooooh. Iv even had the chance to partake in a little shoot'em up cowboys melodrama in the so called line of duty where I spent an all nighter sitting behind a tree with a semi automatic rifle pointed in my direction. It was quite a rush for a 21 year old kid.
I have strong opinions about guns and the people this country allows to carry them. I think semi automatic weapons that are so highly protected by the NRA are absurd and should be completely outlawed. This country doesn't allow a person to take an indy car out on the freeway because it is to high powered and can jeopardize the safety of the average driver but they will let some red neck hillbilly own a semi automatic weapon and because he got fired from his job licking stamps at the post office he can take his AK47 and blow the hell out of some daycare facility.
The right to bare arms is one thing, the right to allow a brain dead moron to own a semiautomatic weapon is another. Now the question arises, who is it that determines who is a brain dead moron or not. You got me on that one. Just as it is next to impossible to reverse the tobacco laws in this county it is also hard to tear the semi automatic guns out of the cold dead hands of their owners. Some things are just too hard to go back and reverse ie Columbus discovering America, Daniel Boon was a good guy and helped shape the infancy this country. What's a person to do?
It has always been a source of amazement to me that you have to read a book, practice driving for several months, take a written test plus a driving test to get a license to drive, but any idiot can buy a gun providing that he is of legal age and he hasn't yet been caught doing something stupid like committing a felony. It still pisses me off that I have to buy a license to catch a fish. Something is wrong here.
Getting back to guns. In this point and click world there has to be a few rules when it comes to devices that are specify designed to poke deep holes in living tissue. But since our gun toting forefathers use such devices to help shop for the families dinner it is impossible to look at such things as anything besides an ancient debet card at your local grocery store. Thus we are at the cross roads we now debate about. If an intelligent person with adequate scruples can own a dangerous weapon why can't a moron in the light of the theory of all men being created equal.
I don't know man, beats the shit out of me.