Russia is a country of 144 million but only have 8 million men from the ages of 20-30. The demographics of Russia is just terrible. One million have been killed or wounded. One million have fled the country. They have more deaths each year than live births.
The Russian army currently consists of fetal alcohol country bumpkins, immigrants, prisoners, homeless people, drug users , ethic minorities. Once the middle class blue eyed blond haired Slavs of Moscow and St. Peterburg are called up in mass, there will either be a regime change in Moscow or a negotiated settlement. The power base of Russian supports the war in theory but don’t want their children in die in. It is hardly the great patriotic war.
Most military analysts believe Russia is about three years away from this point. The course is making sure the Ukrainians defend static positions and have the bullets and shell to defend themselves. Let the Russians piss away a generation of young men till they are no longer a threat to the west or world.
The idea that Russian can out spend or resource the West is not going to happen.