It's My Life - Bon Jovi
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life
this is "coolio ft. l.v - gangsta's paradise (official music video)" on youtube
It's My Life - Bon Jovi
having watched the prodigal son returns movie produced by the organization and a recent mini-clip of a brother in london who is shown jogging and doing normal everyday things while wanting to "reach out" it occurred to me that the organization is trying to normalize their bizarre lifestyle and beliefs for the benefit of non-witnesses.. what do i mean by normalization?
they try to make the witnesses look like just another christian denomination who are reasonable while their members live and enjoy normal lives that appear to be within the mainstream.. they do this by not mentioning anything to do with higher education, armageddon or the urgency of the end of the world nor is their discussion or mention of the blood issue.
these are things mentioned often at kingdom halls and in study articles.. watching the prodigal son returns, the family appears to live a normal life, going to meetings and studying.
This is a great thread! I can't stomach watching those movies all the way through but I think it's entirely possible that they are trying to "normalize" their appearance - somewhat. Of course, they don't really know what "normal" would be.
In my area I would say the elder body is most middle class (left overs from those good economic years where you could actually make a living on one income) and those ones are old (75+).
There is one younger elder and two (or three?, not sure) MS that are younger, and they are poooooooor as church mice. The younger elder is in his 50s and pretty much never left home. (sad) A couple of other brothers who are trying to be MS are poor.
What pioneers we have are all poor, on assistance and just making by in old cars.
But poverty doesn't look very good in a movie, does it? I have had people tell me that all JWs are cleaners or window washers (and this was not in a positive way), so it makes sense that they would want to move away from that stereotype.
you all know how much jws loooove to gossip.
so...i just finished a email conversation with one of my self-righteous, super jw relatives back home.
let me preface this conversation by saying this relative is someone i don't communicate with, at all.
I've had a similar experience twice. I just delete any emails from them without response.
Funny how how the simple concept of "we've made our [own] decision, it's not for us" is so unfathomable to them.
thursday, march 3. they were uneducated and ordinary men.—acts 4:13.. in recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by jehovah’s organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity.
consider three examples.
first, there is the simplified edition of the watchtower.
This is so insulting to the rank and file, but they eat it up. So nice to know that being uneducated and unable to think for yourself is a virtue.
Growing up, the JWs were always proud of "learning" (granted, their type of learning, but still) and studying. I knew a brother that had notebooks full of his notes explaining various prophecies. He was a bit of a celeb in the congregation because of his studies. I wonder what he thinks of all of this dumbing down of doctrine.
saw this on reddit it was posted by user morgan_sparlock .
to me honestly this would of been prohibited 10 years ago, but now every dub is obsessed with this website, it's everywhere even a damn iphone cover... ooh they don't approve of idolatry ooh no they don't accept cross veneration thats bullshit to me!!!
its getting to a point that they are venerating this website (company logo) it's their version of the cross.
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
BN, THAT was Awesome!!
One of the elders asked my Mom to donate a large acreage (that my Dad inherited from his family) to the bOrg at his FUNERAL! My Mom immediately said no. I am thinking they had asked before and my Dad (not a JW) had told her to not donate it - ever.
So happy to see your Dad was smart and refused to ask you to step out (REALLY?!?!?). Disgraceful! Oh wait, of course, because we are talking about the bOrg!
is it possible to full time pioneer while working a full time job without making up the hours?
i know of a brother who recently got married too a pioneer the guy was really desperate to get married because his wife despite her many 'spiritual credentials' has very few christ-like qualities unfortunately, anyway that's besides the point.
he is a pioneer now and i'm sure he will be a ms soon the organisation likes that type of stuff the 'pioneer couple' so it shouldn't come as a surprise.
almost two months into the change in format of the mid week meeting from the school and service meeting format to the christian life and ministry (clam) format.
in my congregation, seems attendance is down 10-15% over the normally low attendance for the mid week meeting before the change.
some indicate that the meeting under the clam format is very "intense" really need to study and research to be able to participate or get anything out of the meetings.
It's just so much more boring than even the "school" was! How did they manage that? Attendance is down and participation is low.
I think people just can't stand any of it any more. But I don't think it's "intense", it's like it's designed for the brain dead, super boring and sad.
i just started reading this book.
wife and i were at the local library a few weeks ago and she pulled it out of a shelf, almost by chance it was this book about mormons.
she did not read it much but said that it looks like a good read.
l was wondering if others get the feeling that the world we live in seems not quite right.l can not pin point anything specific but since childhood days l often get the feeling something isn;t know the feeling of deja vu.
am l the only one to feel this way?ld love to hear from others and any storys they may have.having been raised in the jdubs maybe lm just suffering mild bouts of paranoia .