Where abouts are you, nochoice?
I can also verify that bibles are running low - even more so than the usual rationing that Anony Mous mentions. Our small congregation has about 3 or 4 deluxe/reference bibles on order from way back in August.
88JM I am in the South East. Sorry not to be more specific, but, you know.
I am hearing about back orders like yours all over. I heard the Japan rumor and I've also heard the Canada rumor. It just seems silly though, that the Elders aren't being told what's going on. A simple letter from Momma and all will be well!
"Dear Brothers, Due to the overwhelming demand for foreign language Bibles in other lands where the work is opening up and thriving, we've been dedicating our presses to that need. Surely, your loving flock can share bibles with newly interested ones, since the friends in these new congregations might only have just a few Bibles for the whole Kingdom Hall until the need is filled. Likewise, your Christian generosity can enable us to obtain more presses, so that we can continue foreign language printing and resume English editions sooner."