Why were we so suprised people did not join in droves! What an awful message we shared.....
Please worship our god or he will kill you!
by snare&racket 140 Replies latest jw experiences
That message is not unique to JWs. Pretty much any evangelizing message boils down to that.
...but he loves you!
I mark you "W" on use of tact.....
Band on the Run
I laughed so hard when I read the title of the thread. It is the core message of fundamentalism. This message, plus the fact that I was a ten year old kid presumptuous enough to preach to adults, is comical. Of course, it did not seem comical at the time.
Christianity in all its myriad manifestations is a contradictory religion. It preaches on one hand, a god of love full of tender mercy and on the other hand a vengeful Jesus, full of threats-Revelation ch 14 to 16.
Yeah, it's a bait and switch thing too. The message is that God's Kingdom will do away with all of the pain and suffering and wickedness on earth. That's a pretty cool message we're bringing to your door. And most householders like the idea of Revelation 21:3,4. But, what we don't tell you until later is that YOU are part of the wicked that will be destroyed unless you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses! YOU are in the same category as the rapists and the murderers! In fact, if the rapist and murderer becomes a witness and you don't, no matter how good and kind you are, the rapist and murderer will be in a paradise new earth and YOU will be destroyed!
Or, if the rapist or murderer dies two days before Armageddon he gets a second chance.
But normal citizens who are part of the community get slaughtered with no second chance once the big A starts.
Yeah that makes sense...
But normal citizens who are part of the community get slaughtered with no second chance once the big A starts.
Not to mention the 10's of thousands of newborn infants born hours, minutes, or seconds before the "cutoff date". They get slaughtered too.
LoisLane looking for Superman
And you have to listen to me, because I am an Ordained 10 year old, 'cause they sold me...ah...told me I was, ah, am. lol
Just Lois