"The foundation of the world"
Not the world (earth) itself, but mankinds perception of what the "world is".
("My, My we live in a wicked wicked world").
Therefore, what will be destroyed will be how we percieve the world.
("My, My, Isnt the world and all creation wonderful")
When one accepts Christ as lord and savior, and endeavors to follow his teachings (love, compassion, etc...) all of the "evil" goes by the wayside.
When we stop looking at what the world offers to us, and start looking at what we can offer "the world", things change.
This is not a "world-wide" event, this happens to each and every single person, on an individual level.
Think about that for just a second.
When you accepted that message, didn't your view of the "world" change?
The preaching/work/message was never about the afterlife, it is allways about making a difference in THIS LIFE.
"Do unto others...."
Not soley about being nice, but also expecting justice to the "wicked". If you do evil, expect evil to be done unto you.
Simple. Quite simple.