Many of your thoughts resonate within me. I have echoed them before to countless others.
For myself, this site serves as a sounding board, and a listening post to "undo" the the damage the WTBS has done. For some of us, it is very difficult to get past this.
Until I found this site a short time ago, I felt very alone in my thoughts, and felt I had no where to gather with others of "like mind". I am still getting used to the idea of posting here.
Getting outside the "box" that the WTBS puts us in requires much kicking, scratching and clawing. Ever watched a kitten escape from a cardboard box? Not a pretty site, but when it's out, boy it's out!.
I excaped many years ago, found the meaning of Christ while in the Air Force, was baptised, and since have moved beyond the need for "organized religion"... I have allways felt very secure in my beliefs, but never could quite "defend" them to the extent that some require. This site, and the many people here, have helped me to shore up my defenses.
(Some background, I studied in for apx 10 years, left (or went inactive) around 15-16. My Dad is an Elder, has been in for 25+ years, we have a strong relationship, but I know he wants me "in" and he of course believes the WTBS is the only "good" one out there, reguardless of past faults... Needless to say, with my recently discovered information, our conversations are "interesting...").
I know I have gone way off topic, but I have been needing to write this for some time now, and I thank you for listening.
On to the topic at hand:
1 sure "sign" that the WTBS is having serious issues is how "reactionary" they have become. Up until recently they rarely acknowleded the "Russell" years, and now they realize they HAVE TO. THe recent posts/quotes dealing with apostates, and the recent "If we knowingly lied we wouldnt..." stuff shows an incredible bit of reactionary stuff. This generally happens to anyone when they have been caught with thier pants down. Honest people usually never have to defend their actions....They may have to prove thier intent, or thier reasoning, but defense is usually not required.
Thanks again for listening...