Guess no one else wants to know what happens when you die
Well, Bleep, the only way I know of to know for sure is to DIE and find out for oneself.
Now, as far as I know, there is only ONE recorded person that has successfully died and "lived" to tell about his experience, and he simply said "believe and you shall not die". (and there is enough debate on that subject alone to fill several books).
Now, Bleep, please tell me from your PERSONAL EXPERIENCE what happens to us when we die? IF you have not experienced this phenomena for yourself, you simply don't have any evidence for what happens afterwards, now do you?
If, as you and the WT suggest, nothing "bad" happens to those that do not believe (they dont burn for all eternity, they simply cease to exist) why should I worry about getting on the "good side" as it were? Afterall, once I am dead, I certainly wont know anydifference now will I?
On the other hand, if HELL is a reality, I certainly have more motive to be on the good side, now don't I?
Now, tell me bleep, Exactly how do I get on the "good" side? Better yet, tell me why I should listen to the ramblings of a 100+ year old "publixhing company" that has routinely lied to it's own followers?
Have a nice day.