wait a minute, wait a minute...
What's this bogus question:
If I had lived at that time, how would I have responded as God's will was progressivly revealed?
1. Last I checked, there was so much "pouring out" of the holy spirit that there was no "progressive revealing" of anything. Those that knew, knew.
2. The major thing to note, especially in Acts, is that there was much disagreement about things, so much so that they (the holy spirit directed ones, mind you) had arguments over what was right/wrong, neccesary and unneccesary.
3. Show me one scripture/passage etc... that points to a "progressive revealing". Point to one passage that says "My will be revealed to you as I see fit" from God/Holy Spirit/Christ. Everything that I have ever read was very cut/dry. (helps when it is written after the fact, of course)
Yes, Life in itself is a journey, and many things are revealed to us on it. If I were to claim "direction by the holy spirit" or to be "God's Mouthpiece" I had better not need to do any backpedaling.
Such a subtle little question that is, simply because it leads the reader to believe, without proof, that there was a "progressive revealing" of anything. Best I could tell, God's Will at that point was very clear cut. Believe in Christ and you live, dont believe and you die. (and since everyone that was alive at that point is now dead, kinda hard to say where that got them).