JoinedPosts by SixofNine
Who am I? -- Isaiah 49:1-6 Answers...
by MDS infrenchy:.
...i asked questions which you cannot answer because regardless of how you answer them it will demonstrate your position and that is something that you cannot afford to reveal.. .
you are greatly mistaken.
Me thinks you have confused "Scapebird" for "scraped bird".
Now take your medicine and quit trying to leave the cuckoos' nest till you can really fly.
when the rain clears...
by Deacon inive been reading thesr posts for a while, thinking on them, pondering as the wt has recommended over the years.. having grown up as a witness, and having been involved in both the boring and the more exciting parts of the ministry, i know what it is like to be part of a team, and more importantly , i know what its like to be a team player on gods side.
and then one day, things start to unravel, the marriage, the relationship with bethel, the relationship with members in the congregations, and then, on another later day, suddenly you find yourself on the outside.. so, as time passes, a person begins to miss the association, the meetings, the laughter of the ministry groups, even the smell of the kingdom halls.....and effort is made to restore self to favour....and in time that too....comes to pass.. but here i am, a few years later, once more isolated, but this time by my own choice, beset by doubts and concerns over something that i held and hold sacred.. my circumstances have changed.
i chose the path of marriage again, to a wonderful person that has filled my life with contentment without the pressures of having to be an elder or an example to others in the christian manner, for those that are or have been in positions of oversight, you will know what this means...and yes my wife is one raised as a witness, and having her own journey that she may or may not choose to share with any case, i feel priveleged to know her just for the decent human she is.. so, here i am, watching, reading, thinking....and i admit to being a little lost.. firstly, 607, it may or may not be correct, frankly my dears.... the ever changing date of armaggeddon...well that would appear to be a previousness on the part of the leading lights...after a while it gets tedious and a little self defeating.... the meetings and requirements for field service...well as i see it, the bible indicates it is a requirement to meet together, and furthermore a requirement to tell others about jehovah....the application of the principles have become (almost law,) in order to belong to the organisation known as jehovahs witnesses...that is a minor problem, despite the best efforts from co's and do's from the platform, the unoffical stance is that if you aint cutting it.. you aint spiritual.. now,where im at in this stream of time, along with all the confusion about what is right and what is wrong, i have to just look for other confirmations that jehovahs time is at hand...if indeed it is near at all.. man is now developing life in vacuums, primitive cellular structures it may be, but the leaps of testing criteria has been enhanced by the use of computers to cut time.... man has the ability (proven) to destroy earth.. man is killing the earth.. now if i was the creator, and he once before destroyed civilisation when they built the tower of babel, i would be thinking that soon they would know stuff they shouldnt know, and in any case, the earthdewellers are so dumb they will destroy better start big a... my concern is,, that in the bigger picture..does it really matter if we get it so wrong, so many times and so quickly?
Dont ask me for answers. I have NONE.
I'm trying to tell you something about my life
Maybe give me insight between black and white
And the best thing you've ever done for me
Is to help me take my life less seriously
It's only life after allWell, darkness has a hunger that's insatiable
And lightness has a call that's hard to hear
I wrap my fear around me like a blanket
I sailed my ship of safety 'til I sank it
I'm crawling on your shores
I went to the doctor, I went to the mountains
I looked to the children, I drank from the fountains
There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive
The closer I am to fine
The closer I am to fineAnd I went to see the doctor of philosophy
With a poster of Rasputin and a beard down to his knee
He never did marry or see a b-grade movie
He graded my performance, he said he could see through me
I spent four years prostrate to the higher mind
Got my paper and I was freeI went to the doctor, I went to the mountains
I looked to the children, I drank from the fountains
There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
The less I seek my source for some definitive
(The less I seek my source)
The closer I am to fine
The closer I am to fineI stopped by the bar at three AM
To seek solace in a bottle or possibly a friend
And I woke up with a headache like my head against a board
Twice as cloudy as I'd been the night before
And I'd went in seeking clarity.
Yeah, we go to the doctor, we go to the mountains
We look to the children, we drink from the fountains
Yeah, we go to the bible, we go through the workout
We read up on revival and we stand up for the lookout
There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
and the less I seek my source for some definitive
(The less I seek my source)
The closer I am to fineNice thoughts, no? Even nicer when they are lyrically coming at you from a couple of barefoot lesbians deftly strumming (guitars) and velvetly singing the words in two part harmony. All thanks to the Indigo Girls.
"Freedoms just another word for nuthin' left to lose"
Man! this post is just dripping with lesbian wisdom. ;)
Edited by - SixofNine on 3 February 2001 1:4:52
Does this ring true for you?
by SixofNine ini was just thinking about, and contrasting, the thoughts i have now, with the general mental inclination, spiritually speaking, that i carried for all the years of my life till a few months ago.. thinking this about myself, and perhaps jw's in general, tell me if it rings true for you:.
i thought i knew where to turn for food that was spiritually satisfying.
turns out, i was getting a spiritual pacifier.. i thought that i was satisfied, spiritually.
I was just thinking about, and contrasting, the thoughts I have now, with the general mental inclination, spiritually speaking, that I carried for all the years of my life till a few months ago.
Thinking this about myself, and perhaps JW's in general, tell me if it rings true for you:
I thought I knew where to turn for food that was spiritually satisfying. Turns out, I was getting a spiritual pacifier.
I thought that I was satisfied, spiritually. It turns out, I was just pacified, spiritually.
A couple of things come to mind, Gozz.
First, a question, how can you invite others to be a part in something you disagree with?
The other is more of a comment. About marrying a nice JW gal, please reconsider. It would not be at all fair to her. Besides, while there may be some nice JW girls, the vast majority are existing, much like we all did, with no small amount of cognitive dissonance in their life.
In other words, most JW's are not, and cannot be, truly at peace in their lives. Too many important things just don't make sense. Doesn't mean they'll change, even when the truth comes knockin'.
Speakin' of knockin', someone else brought out about children...
I guess I don't mind saying that in the long run, an active JW who did not believe, is no more the kinda person I want to be freinds with than any other person living a truly double life.
Please be aware that I am not here speaking about taking your time about leaving, and making every effort not to be forced into a divorce from family and friends whom you love.
Oh yeah, about that "JW humility" thing, humbling yourself to the next guy up the line(organizationaly speaking), is not the same thing as humbling yourself before the Creator of the universe. In fact, I have come to believe that the two are mutually exclusive most of the time.
Prophecy -- Can It Have More Than One Fulfillment?
by MDS inthe following discussion is based upon a question raised by larc, under another thread posted earlier.
it was interpreted that i could not answer the question.
the question was then, followed up by circare to the effect that i should comment upon it for the benefit of others who may be listening.. i have decided to respond.. these are the actual quotes, asked of me.. minor point.
I have to say, I read it just about exactly the way mommy did.
If someone wants to indicate that their words will have a future meaning, well, that is not hard to do. All you have to do is say so.
Superbowl Prediction Time!
by ISP intired of being disappointed when predictions dont come true?
ever thought you could do better yourself?
why not give it a try....................... .
ISP, I took your advice.
My prediction is that it will be a close game; nineteen-hundred-fourteen to eighteen-hundred- seventyfour, Giants.
Unless that pyramid was inverted, and not me. In which case it will be 1914/1874, Ravens.
Edited by - SixofNine on 28 January 2001 17:46:29
Says he spent weekend, but didn't have sex
by rollercoaster ino.k., this is a long story.
i was married to a jw, (i am a jw) he left me, and i begged him not to go, he went to where his x-wife lives for work, he says he spent the weekends at her place, but didn't sleep with her.
3 months later, he came back, and i let him stay, then he left me again.
It really isn't the elders business. It is YOU who have to be convinced, for YOU to be living according to YOUR beliefs. Any reasonable person would surmise that you are scripturally free if the story is as you put to us here.
And hey, the bible does say that elders have to be reasonable men. If they are not, I say demote them! (in your own mind of course) ;)
Why was it you refused to sign papers?
Did You Know .... ? [Russell]
by RR indid you know ..... 1. that charles and maria russell never consummated their marriage?.
2. that his father, jospeh remarried ... maria's sister, making charles sister-in-law, his step-mother?.
3. that he learned most of his theology from the advent christian church?.
hmmm, sounds like a man not very appreciative of Jehovahs loving arrangements!
Or with an abnormally low sex drive.
I used to get so very angry...
by SixofNine in
and frustrated, when I would read JW discussions like these. Now I mostly just feel very, very sad for them...and still a bit frustrated.
Read 'em and weep:
Edited by - SixofNine on 27 January 2001 22:39:18