ISP, Friend...
I really wish you would get thee to the righteous side of this issue.
It would be a real shame if your good work on the blood issue (and Friend, your work on the blood issue was the truth that set me free, btw) was completely undone in a pissing contest over who can retain the most anal retentivity.
Anyone who has been a JW for more than 2 minutes can understand perfectly how this pedophile issue can be (and evidently often times is) a real problem with the organization as it is set up, and as it is run.
Get that? "as it is set up, and as it is run". Neither of you are ignorant of the above. The evil at the top (the way it is set up) screws over lives at the bottom (the way it is run).
I could get specific about some of your arguments, but I will leave that to others for now. Meanwhile, there is a problem. Get on the side of the solution, or go shoot yourself in the head. Choose one, but don't waste precious time and expense trying to hammer out who can come up with the absolute mostest literal*, mostest legalistic** translation of a 73 QFR. You'll just shoot yourself in the foot doing that.
If Focus has slapped you a bit too hard for your pride to swallow, then listen to JT. He hasn't slapped you at all, but he has pointed out the truth about how the WTBS, the org, the GB, JW's, JW-dom, etc., whatever you want to call it, works (and it is all part and parcel, fraction even, of the same beast). Isn't that the truth to focus on?
Ps. Doesn't it boggle the mind that 21st century Christians are reduced to not only worrying as much as ever about the proper translation of the Bible, but also have to try and "translate" QFR's and study articles, etc?
* literally: absolute unyeilding literalness, most-er than most, intransient most-ocity
** exceedingly most; legalistic-ality squared,
Edited by - SixofNine on 4 March 2001 10:36:35