Good looking out.
What is JWF?
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
Good looking out.
What is JWF?
i used to dread the prospect of having an evening meeting to to go hanging over my head all day long on a major holiday, almost as much as being compelled to ``go out in service.".
how about you?
Even though I dreaded (even hated) going out in Service on a holiday, my method was to knock on the door, hand the householder a tract, and leave.
But, I absolutely HATED and DETESTED my Monday night Book Study (Labor Day and Memorial Day). You're off from work but you can't really relax because all you're thinking about is, "I've got my damn meeting tonight! CRAP!"
The same applies on Thursday nights (Thanksgiving) or any night a holiday falls on a meeting night.
I probably would have been crying a river, too!
if a baptist minister.....knocked on the door of a kingdom hall on "memorial" night, and said...."good evening, i know your probably busy at this time so i'll be breif.
since many celebrate the 'lord death' at this time of the year, many wonder how many true christians should actually partake of the emblems that are passed around?
we would like to offer you a pamphlet to read when you have time, and come back when it's convienent and discuss this further" .....( offers them a pamphlet).
There is no difference except one's a house and one is a house of worship.
But dead-on that they are both celebrations that are important to the one's celebrating it.
Good analogy, gumby!
poor henry!
he can't talk, he's not deaf, and he doesn't know sign language.
Good observaion about Bugs Bunny.
That Snoopy thing was HILARIOUS! I was literally LOL!!!
You don't GET cable as in you don't understand it?
Or, do you just not have cable?
Either way, everyone else must be in the same boat because not one stinkin' person has responded that they watch the show.
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
The list has grown!
Anyone else interested in coming?
Additionally, we can extend the day beyond brunch.
poor henry!
he can't talk, he's not deaf, and he doesn't know sign language.
You're right...No character from 'Planet Out' would ever survive in the JW religion!
i'm doing a report for school on jehovah's witness and i've looked all over the internet and i can't seem to find the method by which they maintain a distinct identification (for example symbols, clothing, and appearance, etc) if anybody can help i would be grateful.
This method is handed down to them by their God (the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society).
You should see how the JWs dress for bed. I think their church clothes are more revealing...
all are welcome to attend philly phest (apostafest) brunch on sunday, january 11.
this will be the 2nd phest in the last three years.
if you missed the first one, then you missed meeting flower and her son jaden, badwillie and mrs. badwillie, and yours truly.
That's great, slip!
Please e-mail me and I will send you the location and directions in a few days.