That very question has bothered me, too. It's illogical from a religious standpoint.
if every other religion is false, why does the watchtower recognize marriages performed in other churches?
example: if you get baptized in another faith, the watchtower will say that it isn't the real baptism that leads to salvation.
so why does the watchtower recognize a marriage performed by a false relgion, and not the baptism performed by the same church?
That very question has bothered me, too. It's illogical from a religious standpoint.
what are some of the more popular jobs jws seem to flock to in your opinion?
personally, the latest trend in my area is school bus driver as well as school bus monitor.
i can think of six jws who drive school buses and two who are monitors.
What are some of the more popular jobs JWs seem to flock to in your opinion?
Personally, the latest trend in my area is School Bus Driver as well as School Bus Monitor.
I can think of SIX JWs who drive school buses and TWO who are monitors.
These JWs will reason that these jobs are perfect because they have lots of time for Field Service in between the "pick-ups" and "drop-offs"
However, only 2 of the 8 mentioned above are Pioneers.
all you have to do is:believe everything the watchtower bible and tract society tells youdo everything the watchtower bible and tract society tells youdon't do anything the watchtower bible and tract society tells you not to dodo not question anything about watchtower bible and tract society or what it teaches.
if you think you can do all of these thing, then you would likely make a very happy and sucessful jehover's witness!
Hear words (whether truth or lies) about the WTS that show them in a good light...this is positive.
Shun facts (such as child abuse cover-ups, UN scandal) said about the WTS because they are negative.
when did the wts become so infatuated with the cross vs. stake theory?
did they come up with this theory in order to say, "see?
we teach the truth!
You all have made some brilliant comments/facts/observations.
Good job to all!
when did the wts become so infatuated with the cross vs. stake theory?
did they come up with this theory in order to say, "see?
we teach the truth!
When did the WTS become so infatuated with the Cross vs. Stake theory? Did they come up with this theory in order to say, "See? We teach the truth!"
If the whole God-sends-son-to-earth-to-die-for-all-sins did actually happen, would almighty God or mighty Jesus care whether or not people said Jesus died with his arms extended or his his hands together? I mean, it's all so petty.
Jehovah: "Hmm! Listen, my son. My witnesses are teaching something false. They teach that you died on a cross."
Jesus: "Well, pops, why don't we send 'em some new light?"
Jehovah: "Good idea, son! Good idea..."
Jesus: "After all, it's more important that people know HOW I died rather than WHY I died."
i always remember in the bible that god's preferred choice of transportation was a chariot.
why would god have a chariot though, instead of a nice new porsche 911 or a ferarri or something like that?
he'd sure be noticed more =d
Good question.
Hey, perhaps the chariot will have some spinning rims!
will it be suggested at the khs that jws not see the passion of the christ?
besides not be nailed to a torture stake, what other things do you think they will disagree with regarding this movie?.
Easy: Its' R-rating.
i always remember in the bible that god's preferred choice of transportation was a chariot.
why would god have a chariot though, instead of a nice new porsche 911 or a ferarri or something like that?
he'd sure be noticed more =d
'Sup, dusty!
I know you were being funny but you do raise a good point: The bible was written in the times of chariots. If God wanted to make it more appealing to folks today, he could have describe his ride like some of the descriptions of the images in Revelation:
" 12 And I saw, and look! There was someone with the apperance of the father of the son of God. And look! He was riding in a candy-apple red (oops! they didn't have candy apples back then)... he was riding in an apple-colored glossy-shiny thingy that had the power of a thousand horses. 13 Then, as the great dragon approached God, God pressed his holy foot to a rectangular object that was attached to the floor of this thingy, and look! The thingy had four round, black, bouncy, rotating wheels that had the words 'Fire' and 'Stone' written on each wheel. 14 Then, as the great dragon approached, God let His light shine forth from the two circles on the front of the thingy, blinding the great dagon...etc. etc. etc."
i received this e-mail from my sister (known here as 'nikita') on february 12th:
hi guys, just to fyi we had a fire that started in our dryer on tuesday night-fortunately, i was home (with ann's baby) and caught it at the early stages and was able to call the fire dept (another fortunate thing was our firemen just happened to be having a meeting and responded before the whistle sounded from the 911 center.
) but, even so, by the time they got here it was only minutes away from blowing as at the top of our basement stairs the temp.
One response so far?
I know that Dansk isn't the only person on this Forum who cares about Nikita.
Even if you only send a virtual {{{{hug}}}}, it will mean a lot.
i received this e-mail from my sister (known here as 'nikita') on february 12th:
hi guys, just to fyi we had a fire that started in our dryer on tuesday night-fortunately, i was home (with ann's baby) and caught it at the early stages and was able to call the fire dept (another fortunate thing was our firemen just happened to be having a meeting and responded before the whistle sounded from the 911 center.
) but, even so, by the time they got here it was only minutes away from blowing as at the top of our basement stairs the temp.
Hi, all!
I received this e-mail from my sister (known here as 'Nikita') on February 12th:
Hi guys, just to fyi we had a fire that started in our dryer on Tuesday night-fortunately, I was home (with Ann's baby) and caught it at the early stages and was able to call the fire dept (another fortunate thing was our firemen just happened to be having a meeting and responded before the whistle sounded from the 911 center.) But, even so, by the time they got here it was only minutes away from blowing as at the top of our basement stairs the temp. registered 800 degrees! There is tremendous smoke damage throughout the whole house. Alex and I were fine-no major side effects from the smoke inhalation. I received some really bad bruises and cuts on my legs as I had to walk to our back yard in 2 feet of ice (every time I took a step, my feet would break through the ice) to get the dogs from the back yard so that the firemen could do their job. The cats had to be given oxygen as they were the last ones out. Another fortunate thing is we were supposed to have a new sectional sofa delivered today. Now, we are displaced-living with my in-laws, the cats are racking up a boarding bill, the dogs are with us while we await the insurance adjuster to tour the home and tell us what they will do. I am hoping they will let us just take out the carpet as I am not sure if even if it were to be cleaned it would help much. Then, there are the mattresses, the dryer, the walls, etc...On top of all this I had a tooth extracted today-yeah!