Hey, Flower.....
Now I know where you get your good looks from!
You and "J" need to come to Philly for some games this year.
remember me and my little munchkin?
this is what he looked like two years ago and today for his first day of kindergarten!.
Hey, Flower.....
Now I know where you get your good looks from!
You and "J" need to come to Philly for some games this year.
scroll through the replies for the article.
I'm sorry. Allow me to clarify:
It was "You Can Live Forever in Paradise Earth" (the red book). Sorry, I was a JW in the 70's-80's-90's. I only knew the red book as the "Paradise" book. My bad. I was only trying to shorten the article.
Also, more things about this story: The WTS publishing this crap is just plain wrong. She certainly didn't seem to have that "subjective" attitude that the JWs "claim" they have when living in a so-called divided household. It seems to me that any young JW-wanna-be who is living in a similar situation will do what they can to "escape" their "satanic" parents when they read this article, as though they have the "green light" from the WTS to do whatever you gotta to do to be a JW.
10/1/2004 wt, page 7:
"one who is meek humbly accepts god's standards in all aspects of his personal life; he does not insist on going by his own views or by other people's opinions.
he is also teachable, willing to be taught by jehovah.
Good looking out! Thanks for the assist!
scroll through the replies for the article.
I will try to summarize because the article is 3 pages long....
10/8/2004 Awake!, Page 13:
"Jehovah, You Found Me!"
This is an experience by a JW woman named Nelly Lenz. (Incidentally, she looks a LOT like Brad Johnson, the former QB of the Redskins and Buccaneers).
Nelly was originally going to be aborted by her mom. But, the mom's employer was a JW and she talked her out of the abortion. Nelly's mom placed her in an orphanage for the first two years of her life, then took her out of the orphanage after she got married. Now Nelly has a mom and a stepfather. Mom and stepdad began studying with JWs and attended the meetings. Then, they moved and began to stop studying.
A few years later, they studied again. Nelly would eavesdrop on the study to "hear what was said about the Bible's hope of a paradise earth." Nelly came to "love Jehovah very much."
At the age of 8, mom told Nelly that they stopped studying and would no longer attend meetings. Nelly says, "At first, I was delighted. As a child, I sometimes found the meetings to be rather long." That evening, though, Nelly wanted to pray to Jehovah but she was worried he might not listen to her.
The next Sunday, she saw her JW neighbors going to the meeting. After 3 weeks, she visited the neighbor and explained that she wanted to go to the meetings. The neighbor said, "Impossible", because Nelly's mom forbade it. Being insistent, Nelly and the neighbor approached Nelly's mom and asked mom if Nelly can go to the meetings. Mom agreed, said it would teach Nelly good principles. Nelly went to every Sunday meeting.
This went on for 3 years. But, at the age of 11, her parents divorced, and Nelly and mom moved away. Nelly lost all contact with the JWs.
One day, Nelly sat on her steps and two JW men asked if her parents were home. nelly said "no", and the men turned to leave. Nelly "ran after them" and declared, "Are you JWs?". They said "Yes.". Nelly replied "Me too!". Nelly was just 13 years old.
She begged the men to return in the evening. Nelly told mom. Mom became upset and said that she wouldn't let them in her home. In fact, she planned to leave before they arrived. Nelly "tearfully" begged mom to stay. Just as she was getting ready to leave, the doorbell rang, and it was just the one brother. (Hmm!)... Mom accepted a Bible study.
Less than a year later, mom stopped studying (again). She forbade nelly to have any contact with the JWs and she discarded all the JW publications ahe could find. but Nelly was able to hide a Bible, song book, two WT bound volumes, and a "Truth" book. During her last study, she asked the JW man what she could do. His answer? "Study on your own and pray often. Jehovah will care for you.". Nelly was now 14.
Every Sunday Nelly went to her room and had a pretend meeting. She sang "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize" at the beginning and end of each "meeting". To this day, "I cannot sing this song without weeping." She also studied the articles in the bound volumes and she concluded each "meeting" with prayer. "I felt that Jehovah was near me."
At the age of 17, Nelly and mom moved again. "those years were difficult, as our home was anything but a haven of love."
One day, mom accepted the "Paradise" book. "When I saw that it used God's name, Jehovah, I started to cry and silently prayed, 'Jehovah, you found me!' "
Mom told me that a neighbor might be a JW. She went to his home and told him she wants to get baptized. The man hooked her up with a study. But, again, mom began to oppose Nelly's studying with the JWs. She told Nelly she will have to wait until the age of 18 before she could become a JW.
Nelly's employer noticed her situation at home was "worsening". He invited Nelly to spend time with him and his wife on the weekends. Her employer owned some horses and they would ride together. "I felt that they were like parents to me."
One day, the employer said that he and his wife love Nelly very much and that they wanted her to live with them. He was offering something she always wanted - a loving family. But under one condition: Stop associating with the JWs. So, she declined their offer.
"Because of the trouble I was experienceing at home," Nelly moved in with her stepfather. He encouraged her to continue studying. She got baptized at the age of 19.
Then, stepdad began to change.When she was praying, he would speak loudly and throw things at her. He also insisted that she further her education that would "interfere with my goal to become a pioneer." Eventually, he kicked her out and gave her a $100 check and thold her that when she cashed it, she would know that Jehovah didn't care for her.
She began to Pioneer at the age of 22. She still has the uncashed check to this very day!
She met a JW man and got married at the age of 25. They have a son and a daughter.
This article is disturbing because there are so many sad things said, or not said, between the lines.
1) Nelly seems to have low self-esteem, knowing she was almost aborted and knowing that she was an orphan for a couple of years.
2) All three of them were dysfunctional. Mom would study, then not study, then study again. Daughter was allowed to study, not allowed to study, allowed to study, not allowed to study.
3) Mom "opposed" Nelly by telling her to wait until 18 before getting baptized (she ended up getting baptized at 19). What was the big rush?
4) Stepdad was trying to have Nelly get a better education. Ooooooh! Such persecution! Nelly wanted to Pioneer instead. Hmm.... I noticed Nelly didn't pioneer until 22. She could have gone to school and still be a JW. Oops....I forgot. When Nelly was growing up, the WTS forbid higher education. No wonder she felt like her stepdad was persecuting her.
5) Not once did Nelly say anything good about her mom. Did mom feed her? Clothe her? Allow her to study with the JWs? Um...Yes, yes, yes, and yes! But Nelly could only talk about the "opposing" mom, the anti-JW mom. Gee, I wonder how mom and stepdad will feel after reading this article?
6) I feel sorry for Nelly's kids. They probably won't have any chance to question anything about the JWs. After all, "Jehovah done found Nelly!"
7) Nelly slapped her parents the same way Moe would slap Larry and Curly (or Shemp) (simultaneous SLAP! SLAP!) when she said: Her employer and his wife was something she always wanted: A loving family.
All three just seemed to have "issues". But were Nelly's parents SO bad because they were SOMETIMES opposed to her studying with the JWs? Shoot! If my young, teenage daughter would isolate herself in a room singing 'Keep Your Eyes on the Prize', then I just might snap, too!
scroll through the replies for the article.
10/1/2004 wt, page 7:
"one who is meek humbly accepts god's standards in all aspects of his personal life; he does not insist on going by his own views or by other people's opinions.
he is also teachable, willing to be taught by jehovah.
10/1/2004 WT, Page 7:
"One who is meek humbly accepts God's standards in all aspects of his personal life; he does not insist on going by his own views or by other people's opinions. He is also teachable, willing to be taught by Jehovah. The psalmist David wrote: '[Jehovah] will cause the meek ones to walk in his judicial decision, and he will teach the meek ones his way.' - Psalm 25:9; Proverbs 3:5, 6.
"Will you be among 'the meek' who will inherit the earth? By getting to know Jehovah and his will through a diligent study of his Word and by putting what you learn into practice, you too can look forward to inheriting an earthly paradise and living forever in it. - John 17:3. "
So, to be taught by God is to be taught by JWs. What a crock!
na,na ,i told now they all know...............happy- birthday : .
Feliz Aniversario!!!
........................dubs are not true christians.
they use that point to prove they are and it's that very point that proves they are not!.
i was doing a bit of house work this morning when the phone rang.
I left the JW's just over (1) year ago. One of the first things I did was ask as many non-JW's as possible (such as co-workers) what is the first thing they think of when I say "Jehovah's Witnesses". I would usually phrase my question like this: "When you think of Jehovah's Witnesses, what do you know them for?". My point for asking this question was because I wanted to prove to myself that, DESPITE the WT claim that JW's are known worldwide for their love, JW's ARE NOT known for their supposed love by ANYONE that I asked. WITHOUT FAIL, I received three answers from the 30+ people I posed that question to. Answer ONE was: "Waking me up early in the morning". Answer TWO was: "Selling the Watchtower". Answer THREE was: "They refuse to take blood."
at one time in my career i was exposed to an apostate tape.
i found it very unsettling and began to wonder about the truth.
"And don't be too proud to change your mind if you find things are different than what you thought."
Gee! Isn't this EXACTLY what you did? Fortunately, you didn't allow the "pride" of being a JW stop you from changing your mind because things were different than what you thought.
Perhaps your mom should apply this same advice to herself.
i don't know what brands of ice cream are sold in your neighborhood, but in philadelphia there is a brand called breyer's that is very popular.
ice cream sizes by all ice cream companies used to come in pints, quarts, and half-gallons.
i haven't seen a pint of ice cream (other than ben & jerry's) for many years.
I don't know what brands of ice cream are sold in your neighborhood, but in Philadelphia there is a brand called Breyer's that is very popular.
Ice cream sizes by all ice cream companies used to come in Pints, Quarts, and Half-Gallons. I haven't seen a pint of ice cream (other than Ben & Jerry's) for many years.
Today, I had a taste for some Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip. I bought what, I assumed, was a half-gallon. As I am getting a couple of scoops from the container, something seemed peculiar about it. It seemed to be smaller. Lo and behold, I checked to see the size of it. Sure enough, the container is only 1.75 quarts (instead of a half-gallon, or two quarts).
Ice cream prices (and dairy, in general) are OUT OF CONTROL! The 1.75 quart ice cream costs $5.49 (U.S.). That equals MORE than $11.00 per gallon! How can ICE CREAM cost so much more per gallon than, say, gasoline.
I am officially becoming a Water Ice eater!