Thanks for sharing the memories.
Wish I was there!
...banana jo's you sillies.... .
the album is called new year's 2005 @ bj's and it is public.. .
i also have another public album on my site called "the day after tomorrow"--that's when they filmed the "us embassy" and the "refugee camp" scenes back in 2003 for the movie.. .
Thanks for sharing the memories.
Wish I was there!
there's a growing trend for white folks to listen to r&b, hip hop & even "gansta' " rap music, and its generally accepted in the black community.
will there ever come a time when black folks can reasonably get away with listening to country & western music and not be affraid of being clowned upon and derided for listening to it?
come on, where my homies in 'da hood who secretly listen to c&w at?
Whatever happened to Morris Day anyway?
i remember when i first googled "jehovah's witnesses".
i was sick to my stomach because i feared that i was disobeying jehovah.
although i was scared that i would find something "apostate" or "demonic", i still continued to click on different links.
Google, Prodigy, Netscape...
Whichever method you used to resaerch about the JW religion, I am happy that we all ended up here.
there's a growing trend for white folks to listen to r&b, hip hop & even "gansta' " rap music, and its generally accepted in the black community.
will there ever come a time when black folks can reasonably get away with listening to country & western music and not be affraid of being clowned upon and derided for listening to it?
come on, where my homies in 'da hood who secretly listen to c&w at?
It ain't just white folks that like Country music.
Many Latin/South American people like it. In fact, just watch Telemundo (Spanish), GloboTV (Portuguese), and Record (Portuguese). Nearly everyday you will see someone performing Country music.
Country music/Hip Hop isn't really a black and white issue.
It is only an issue of taste in music, which really isn't an issue at all, right?
i posted here a couple of months ago when the site had a little different format.
there was an area for newbies with concerns and that's where i lurked.
i have been in the "truth" for about 30 years.
Apostates don't dance, we just pull up our pants, and, do the rockaway.
Now lean back! Lean back! Lean back!
Hi, Sista.
Welcome to the forum. I was (and prolly just about everyone on this board) where you were just three years ago. The road to recovery may look unfamiliar, but, once you travel on it everyday, it becomes the most comfortable road ever!
From those of us just like you, check out this link
i believe that the watchtower society will use the tsunami disaster to "pump up" the fear factor for armaghedon coming soon.
what better way to keep the flock moving in a positive direction?
they know book sales are down, and so is recruitment.
A day or two after the earthquake/tsunami occurred, I ran into a JW at the supermarket.....FYI-I haven't been to a meeting in nearly 18 months.....Anyway, she said that God's prophecies about earthquakes, and what just occurred in Asia, should really make us think about how we are truly living in the "last days".
I know that is only one JW opinion, but, I imagine that this is probably how the majority of JWs feel.
they are having a twilight zone marathon on the sci fi channel.
touched by an angel is on hallmark.. i have been home sick today so i have been watching the angel show.
who enjoys watching tv marathons?
In the Philly area, every Halloween they run a 'Munster's' marathon.
Gotta love Herman, Eddie, Granpa, Lilly, Spot, and that poor, ugly Marilyn.
what a funny man.
i'll miss him!
arts & culturecomedian rodney dangerfield dies .
What a funny man. I'll miss him!
Arts & Culture
Comedian Rodney Dangerfield Dies VOA News 06 Oct 2004, 01:55 UTC
Mr. Dangerfield had been suffering from complications after undergoing heart valve replacement surgery in August.
Born Jacob Cohen in 1921, Mr. Dangerfield began his comedy career under the name Jack Roy, but did not get his first big break until well into his 40s, after he changed his name. He made dozens of appearances on TV shows such as The Tonight Show and The Ed Sullivan Show.
Mr. Dangerfield became a movie star in such films as Caddyshack and Back to School.
He leaves behind a wife and two children from a previous marriage.
i was watching jeopardy in the kitchen, while cooking a little while ago, and found out that norah jones' father is ravi shankar.
i had never heard that before.
I knew about Nora and Ravi. There's a photo of them together in her second CD.
Also, were you aware that Darth Vader is the father of Luke Skywalker?
here is a letter i'm sending off....let me know if you have any suggestions, i want it to be to the point and also positive:.
dear mom,.
i now realize that i can never be the son or person you want me to be.
Hey, DIM!
Man, I am glad that you and Mrs. DIM are alive and doing well! (GO EAGLES...E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!).
I think your letter is mature and polite, yet firm. If they choose to "shun" you, or not accept you, then THEY made that choice. Let THEM live their lives with a guilty conscience.
I'm proud of you, J.