Great stuff, James!
This helps to reinforce why I stopped being a JW.
i thought you would enjoy this gem from the archives.
james - enjoy.
jehovah?s witnesses, in their eagerness for jesus?
Great stuff, James!
This helps to reinforce why I stopped being a JW.
i know that his guilt or innocence has yet to be determined in a court of law.
but, the initial indications ain't looking good in kobeville.
his attorney made some questionable moves during the trial yesterday.
I agree with what ikhandi said.
i know that his guilt or innocence has yet to be determined in a court of law.
but, the initial indications ain't looking good in kobeville.
his attorney made some questionable moves during the trial yesterday.
I know you're trying to make a funny but it went right over my big ol' head.
I prefaced my comment with:
I know that his guilt or innocence has yet to be determined in a court of law.With that said, I am simply offering an opinion. Kobe is just acting like a nut.
women still can't handle mic's, count money, count attendance, or give public talks.
"in the first century, some of (the women in the bible) had the privilege of ministering to jesus an his apostles.
("cook that lamb and wash the wine jugs, toots!").
Women still can't handle mic's, count money, count attendance, or give public talks. BUT...
"In the first century, some of (the women in the Bible) had the privilege of ministering to Jesus an his apostles. ("Cook that lamb and wash the wine jugs, toots!"). Later, Christian women became zealous evangelizers; others gave valuable support to Christian men who were taking the lead, including the apostle Paul; (Greedy men! Always TAKING the lead and never leaving any behind for the women to take.) and some showed exceptional hospitality, even making their home available for congregation meetings (but ONLY if her husband said it was okay!).
"Joel 2:28, 29 predicted that both men and women, young and old, would receive holy spirit and share in spreading the good news of the Kingdom...Some spirit-anointed women were granted miraculous gifts, such as the gift of prophesying." (BUT, were they allowed to read aloud the Watchtower Scrolls at the meeting temple?)"
"This large, spiritual army of faithful sisters contributed to the rapid spread of Christianity in the first century." (Sure, women do all of the dirty work like preaching while the men get to handle the Sound in the back of the Hall!)"
Ah! I knew if I kept reading that I would find a useful purpose for all you women: "A husband says of his wife, a mother of five grown girls: 'Our home was always clean and tidy. Bonnie kept it simple and uncluttered so that our family could focus on spiritual pusuits. Her contribution to the careful management of our finances made it possible for me to work part-time for 32 years. My wife also taught the children the value of hard work. I have nothing but praise for her.' Today both husband and wife serve at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Sounds like the only person in that family who DOESN'T know what hard work is is the husband/father!)
Subtitle: The Beauty of Subjection
"The wife's subjection to her husband in no way implies inferiroity. Rather, it dignifies her to use her many gifts and talents in harmony with God's will." (Like washing the wine jugs, cleaning the house, making babies, etc.)
Aren't you glad you are no longer a 'JW woman'?
i know that his guilt or innocence has yet to be determined in a court of law.
but, the initial indications ain't looking good in kobeville.
his attorney made some questionable moves during the trial yesterday.
I know that his guilt or innocence has yet to be determined in a court of law. But, the initial indications ain't looking good in Kobeville. His attorney made some questionable moves during the trial yesterday. Also, I don't know if it's because he's just immature or just unwise, but he keeps doing all of these "theatrical" moves to, in my opinion, win public sympathy: "Look at my new tattoos!", "I love my wife SO much!", "I'm being persecuted.", "We didn't have sex..." then "We DID have sex, but it WAS consensual."
I wish Kobe would just silence himself and let the facts speak. He's trying to hard to paint himself as this good-guy-I'm-a-victim person. The more I hear him talk, the more annoyed I become.
Anyhoo, I feel sorry for the alleged victim if she was raped because this trial and the things that will be brought up will probably make her feel raped all over again.
In the early going, though, I say that Kobe is cooked kooked. So is Mayor John Street.
it has been a good (7) weeks since i've last attended a kh meeting.
this weekend, however, the calls of "encouragement" came rolling in.
on saturday, a brother (actually a very decent, likable, and genuine man) left me a message and said that he misses me at the meetings.
Nikita asked:
Now, what I want to know is at any time did he ever ask you if anything was wrong? what happened, etc...Doesn't it feel invigorating to have all the control now?!
Nope. He never asked if anything was wrong. And even if I wanted to tell him how I felt from the heart, he wouldn't listen to me because it wouldn't be what he would want to hear. And, yes, I LOVE having the control and not looking at my OWN flesh and blood as though he's an authority figure who is somehow better than me because he has a title in a religous organization corporation.
it has been a good (7) weeks since i've last attended a kh meeting.
this weekend, however, the calls of "encouragement" came rolling in.
on saturday, a brother (actually a very decent, likable, and genuine man) left me a message and said that he misses me at the meetings.
Stacy Smith said...
I said "let me remind you sisters that I haven't moved or changed my phone number"
You made me think of something. I was talking to a brother who hasn't been to the meeting regularly for at least a year but he still believes it's the "truth". His neighbor (who is also his uncle and is a JW at the same congregation as me) said to him regarding me: "I would call him but I just don't know what to say."
I think that statement sums up all the JWs in a nutshell. If you take them out of their JW mindset or if the surrounding scenario isn't at the Kingdom Hall, then they really do not know how to communicate. They have a fear that somehow they may contract the "apostate" disease if they come into contact with you outside of the Kingdom Hall. It's as if they feel like they are only immune to you if they see you at the Hall.
okay, apparently we're all toast at armageddon.
jehovah hates us all, and he's really going to have some fun killing us all.
we're all going to pay for our apostate ways, whether we've grown a beard, or we've gone to a marilyn manson concert.
I'm gonna get tortured and beaten by all of those old, cranky annointed ladies that are serving as Christ's executioners.
Afterwards, my body will smell like Ben-Gay and Ensure.
i keep reading posts from people who "need" to get their family members out of the wts.
look, a few background points: .
1) i'm out and have been for 17 years.
I don't know about this tactic to those who are currently IN.
However, this does wonders for those who are NOT in. I tell anyone who will listen about the cover-ups done by the WTS. I suspect that, at the very least, this will cause people to really think before they listen to a JW again.
i grew up in the late 70's, early 80's.
i remember hearing the first rap song called 'rapper's delight' by the sugar hill gang.
then came kurtis blow and grand master flash and the furious five.
Hello, all.
I don't agree with some comments of the responses that some of you have posted, but I am not here to change your opinion of Rap. I guess it just depends on your experience in life. For example, I just don't get Country or Heavy Metal music. But, still, I'm not going to lump all of the songs together and say that it's all bad/socially irresponsible/"self-pitying" (as one person said). MY experince with MUCH Rap has been good.
Also, say what you want about "many" people or groups feeling the same way as the WTS. Probably, Rap music is the most popular choice of music amoung youth today. Also, those who are older (like yours truly) who grew up listening to Rap, especially enjoy the "Old School Rap". Which led to my point in the first place:
I'll say it again: Even when Rap was in its' infantile stages, the WTS suggested that we "stay away" from it. This was done at a time when MOST of Rap songs were about fun "battles" of who could make the better rhymes (LL vs. Kool Moe D / UTFO vs. Roxanne / MC Shan vs. KRS-One). The songs were intelligent, funny, and often fantasy-filled. Yet, the WTS still didn't want us to listen to it because, as a whole (???), Rap music was bad.
Saying not to DO something because it is "bad as a whole" is like saying, "Don't watch any movies (or television)" or "Don't listen to ANY music" or "Don't watch the news (or read an newspaper)" or, dare we say, "Don't eat anymore food because food as a whole is bad!"
As ridiculous as that sounds, that is, in effect, what the WTS is saying. The REAL focus should be to pick and choose what songs you will listen to, what movies you will watch, what articles in the newspaper you will read, or what type of food you will eat. Hell, isn't that the beauty of being individuals? We (at least much of the world) have the freedom of choice.