Since I am comfortable in my own masculinity, I must admit that Prince William (the oldest of the Prince Charles/Princess Diana sons) is turning has turned into a handsome young man.
JoinedPosts by Funchback
most gorgeous man
by petespal2002 inwe've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
I forgot to add...
You MUST view the 'Director's Special' on the DVD. The youngest of the girls had to be the most adorable thing I have ever seen! Plus, when they talked about the scene when the girls are first kidnapped, it made me cry like I was cuttin' some onions.
Several months ago I posted how much I enjoyed (for lack of a better term) this movie.
I happened across it one day when it first came out on DVD. I rented it even though I had never heard of it. Then, coincidentally, my neighborhood theater showed it on the "big" screen. I went and saw it again with some friends that never saw it before. Then, I went out and bought it and I now own a copy.
By the way, on the previous thread, I recall that some Aussies didn't think this movie was true in its depiction.
by Funchback in*this is not a spoiler.
feel free to read on*
i went and saw 'mystic river' yesterday (it's my day off!).
I went and saw 'Mystic River' yesterday (it's my day off!). I went to the first showing (1:00 PM). I was the first one in the theater but I wouldn't be the last. The audience was made up mostly of elderly folks. Anyway...
The movie was very 'dark'. While not graphic, it does have some chilling scenes of child abuse. This movie touches on all of your emotions (especially anger and sadness), including a few laughs (very few). It's definitely not your typical 'Hollywood' movie.
Sean Penn's character scared me yet I still had sympathy for him for most of the movie.
Tim Robbins' character caused me to hate him for much of the movie.
Kevin Bacon's character was cool and smooth.
Lawrence Fishburn provided a few laughs as the "everyone's guilty" partner of Bacon.
This movie will be everything you'd expect (excellent acting, good and believable story) and NOTHING you'd expect (the ending and the plot twists).
Oh, and how can I forget the Savage brothers. Bad boy thugs they are in this movie.
Go see it, but be prepared to not walk out at the end of that movie with a smile on your face. It ain't gonna happen.
$$ Cultivate a Giving Spirit Toward the WT Society - 11/1/2003 WT $$
by Funchback inthe article found on page 26 gives some biblical examples of why one should cultivate a giving spirit.
then it has a subheading entitled 'jehovah - the greatest giver' which leads to the final obvious subheading 'showing gratitude to jehovah', which really translates to: 'give us (the wts) your money'.
so, what ways do you think the society encourages one to give?
LOL @ SYN... I just saw YOURS, too! And to think that BOTH of us did all that typing!
Your REAL name???
by Odrade inhave any "faders" ever accidentally "outed" themselves by signing their real name to a post?
i'm really paranoid about that, and often go back and recheck my posts to see if it says "odrade.".
For those of us whose name really IS Brian, I propose that we all change our name to Simon.
PS... Stacy....You are gonna have to find yourself a man REAL soon! LOL!
When Loved Ones Do Not Share Your Faith - 11/8/03 Awake!
by Funchback ini picked and chose the more interesting quotes.
"how should christians treat loved ones who do not share their faith?
"no time limit is implied in the command at exodous 20:12 to 'honor your father and your mother.
I picked and chose the more interesting quotes.
"How should Christians treat loved ones who do not share their faith?"
"No time limit is implied in the command at Exodous 20:12 to 'honor your father and your mother.' In fact, in Jesus' discussion of this command, recorded at Matthew 15:4-6, it is obvious that he was speaking of the honor that adult children would render to their parents."
"It is clear from the Scriptures that we should not neglect our parents. The fact that our parents do not accept our religion does not cancel or relationship with them. These Bible principles apply similarly to other blood relations and to one's marriage mate. Clearlrly, Christians remain morally and Scriptually obligated to love their relatives."
"Of course, the Bible warns against bad association, and this influence could come from one's immediate relatives...True Christians should not compromise their faith to please others, not even their relatives."
"In some situations parents or other loved ones vehemently fight against the beliefs of a Christian. Some may even become enemies of true Christianity. In such cases Christians take reasonable steps to protect their spirituality." (In other words, "RUNNNNNNNNN....")
"In most cases, however, Christians do not face severe opposition from their loved ones. Their relatives simply do not share the same understanding of Bible teachings. The Holy Scriptures encourage Christ's followers to treat unbelievers 'with mildness' and 'deep respect.' "
"Many who are not true Christians love their parents and other rleatives and communicate regularly with them regardless of their religious affiliation. Should Christian Witnesses do any less?"
$$ Cultivate a Giving Spirit Toward the WT Society - 11/1/2003 WT $$
by Funchback inthe article found on page 26 gives some biblical examples of why one should cultivate a giving spirit.
then it has a subheading entitled 'jehovah - the greatest giver' which leads to the final obvious subheading 'showing gratitude to jehovah', which really translates to: 'give us (the wts) your money'.
so, what ways do you think the society encourages one to give?
The article found on page 26 gives some biblical examples of why one should cultivate a giving spirit. Then it has a subheading entitled 'Jehovah - The Greatest Giver' which leads to the final OBVIOUS subheading 'Showing Gratitude to Jehovah', which really translates to: 'Give Us (the WTS) Your Money'.
So, what ways do you think the Society encourages one to give? And, to whom can you give your money to? Charities such as the United Way? AIDS research? Breast Cancer research? The fight against Lukemia?
Or, when one dies, to whom should they leave their money? Their children? Grandchildren? Parents? Siblings?
The WT speaks clearly in the gray box that spans from page 28 to 29. There is a picture of a black brother with a BIG ol' smile sticking in some of his hard-earned money into the contribution box.
The gray box reads:
"CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLDWIDE WORK - Many set aside, or budget, an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled 'Contributions for the Worldwide Work - Matthew 24:14.' Each month, congregations forward these amounts to the office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves their respective countries. Voluntary donations of money may also be sent directly to (then they list their Brooklyn mailing address), or to the branch office that serves your country. Checks should be made payable to 'Watch Tower.' Jewelry or other valuables may be donated as well. A brief letter stating that such is an outright gift shouls accompany these contributions.
CONDITIONAL-DONATION ARRANGEMENT - Money may be donated under a special arrangement in which, should the donor request it, the donation may be returned to him. For more information, please contact the Office of the Secretary and Treasurer at the address noted above.
CHARITABLE PLANNING - In addition to outright gifts of money, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. These inclued:
>Insurance: The Watch Tower Society may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement/pension plan.
>Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, CD's, or IRA's may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to the WTS, in accord with local bank requirements.
>Stocks and Bonds: Stocks and bonds may be donated to the WTS as an outright gift.
>Real Estate: Salable real estate may be donated either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate.
>Gift Annuity: A gift annuity is an arrangement whereby one transfers money or securities to the WTS. In exchange, the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. The donor receives an income-tax deduction the year the gift annuity is established.
>Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to the WTS by means of a legally executed will, or the WTS may be named as beneficiary of a trust agreement. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages.
As the term 'charitable planning' implies, these types of donations typically require some planning on the part of the donor. To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses through some form of charitable planning, a brochure has been prepared in English and Spanish entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide. The brochure was written in response to the many inquiries received regarding gifts, wills, and trusts. It also contains additional useful information on estate, financial, and tax planning. It informs individuals of a variety of ways that gifts may be made either now or through a bequest at death. After reading the brochure and conferring with their own legal or tax advisers and the Charitable Planning Office, many have been able to assist JW's worldwide and, at the same time, maximize their tax benefits of doing so. This brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy directly from the Charitable Planning Office. (Then they list the address and phone #)."
It seems that the spin the WT places in this article is that they kept stressing how this is all a big tax advantage for the donor.("Hey! WE'LL make some money! YOU'LL make some money! It's a win-win situation.")
Also, here's a quote from the actual article outside of the gray box: "Giving was also not to be done for the purpose of making an outward show. Ananias and Sapphira made that pretense and paid dearly for it."
I will try to remember that quote the next time I read in a WT magazine how the JWs were the first at the scene after a disaster to build new homes or to offer comfort. Or, the next time at the District Convention (not that I'll be there...LOL!) they talk about how they benefitted the community.
LATEST WT Study Articles Are All About the WOMEN!
by Funchback inwomen still can't handle mic's, count money, count attendance, or give public talks.
"in the first century, some of (the women in the bible) had the privilege of ministering to jesus an his apostles.
("cook that lamb and wash the wine jugs, toots!").
Great points yhere, ozzie!
Spirtual Paradise?
by integ inthe witnesses say they are living today in a 'spiritual paradise".
is'nt paradise supposed to be something really good, ecstatic, perfect?
which makes me think......if this is what they consider to be a "paradise" of any kind, what will the earthly paradise be like acording to the jw's?, and who would want to live in a "paradise" where only jw's are the ones there?
Here's some things you WON'T see in the JW paradise:
*Kentucky Fried Chicken
*Dr. Ruth
*Any Matrix movies
*Chinese people