Well, I remain skeptical about claims of atrocities.....I remember before the Gulf War, SH's soldiers were supposedly taking newborn babies out of incubators and letting them die. The witness was supposedly an Iraqi nurse. Of course, once public support was for the Gulf War, we find out that the whole thing was fabricated. The nurse was not a nurse and had not been in Iraq!
Do I think SH is a madman? Yup, and I think they should have taken him out when he was defeated in the Gulf War. I was furious that the troops did not finish the job.
The U.S. needed SH then, and so let him live. Now they don't need him any more. I think this war is about control of oil and control of the Middle East.
What concerns me is not that they want to remove SH, but my concern is that the public is being lied to.
If SH is so bad, why wasn't he killed after the Gulf War? Was he a nice guy then and turned bad later? Please.
Gee, if the Iraq people weren't opposed before, at the time of the Gulf War, and are now, could it be.....due to the U.N. Sanctions? And if they were opposed before, why didn't anyone care?
Don't tell me SH was OK at the time of the Gulf War and has suddenly become an madman.
This isn't about saving the Iraqi people or the world. It is about power and control and oil. And the U.S. getting what it wants.
Iraq is too weak be a threat to anyone. I would feel better if the U.S. simply told us it was to control oil and the Middle East.
When I first heard of the ultimation, I knew it would be a farce. And it is, though not as stupid as I thought they would make it.
Iraq will be free to rule itself, the U.S. says. Yes, it will. A puppet government will be set up, and we will get what we want. Hopefully, the Iraqi people will have a better life too, but that will be a side benefit, and is not the real purpose of this war.