But I don't need to.....I have very sick friends who will do it for me.
be honest
But I don't need to.....I have very sick friends who will do it for me.
did you ever find yourself having to defend your faith, while at the same time knowing, that your arguments were not so good to begin with?
for example, a person might say,"you people don't take blood and believe in doctors.
" even if we might have doubts about the blood issue, we would still defend our "faith" as best as we could.
In high school, my Spanish teacher was a recent Born-Again Christian, who made a point of telling me the JWs were a cult. She announced to the class when it was my birthday, and sarcastically wished me a happy birthday tho I had asked her not to. I didn't protest as much after that. It's embarrassing to even think about it now.
That teacher was a jerk.
I defended not celebrating birthdays and holidays though I knew the arguments were weak at best. The same with not toasting and a number of silly rules. Eventually, I figured out that Jah had a ego problem.
Now, though I still think Jah has an ego problem, I don't think as badly of him as I did when I was a Witness. I now know that the silly rules are a mind control mechanism.
i have been dating this woman for two months.
i somehow agreed to being monogamus with her....the details aren't important..but here i am stuck in a relationship that daily grows more unbearable.
i have been trying to get the nerve to end it for the last 6 well it's true.
In my experience, the kindest and most honest thing to do is to tell a lady it is over as soon as possible. This minimizes the heartache. The longer you drag it out, the more hurt will be caused.
My reasoning is as follows: the longer she is in a relationship with you, the more she is likely to fall moe deeply in love, and the greater the hurt when you end it. The sooner you end it, the less deep the love, and the less hurt. A situation where there is NO hurt is normally unavoidable; the key is too minimize her hurt.
Many here, none of whom I was in a relationship with...the one exception being an abusive poster here who merely played with my heart...., have accused me of being a bastard for the above view. I guess they want to make her deeply fall in love, and then dump her. IMHO, that makes them either sick or niave.
No woman that I was in a relationship with thinks I am a bastard...again, the one exception being the abusive poster here who merely played with my heart....most women that I have had a relationship with are still good friends. I take this as an indication that my approach is a good one.
once upon a time a broken down kingdom hall was in need of repair and extra donations.
so this lowly brother that was brain damaged happend to be at casino and won about five gran from a few slotts.
now as the case was this brain damaged lunatic was me, but i came home with my winnings and paid for my divorce and bought a few things need full man things.
They don't give a damn where you get you rmoney from... so long as you give it to them.
Based on my experience, all churches are like that.
There is even a theory about sanctifying dirty money....basicily, if one has obtained money by "sinning", one can make it pure by donating it to the church.
How convenient.
so i have big problems with our school's online learning basically sucks real bad and this semester has been terrible.
all my docs for my class disappeared when they "upgraded the is a mess.
we couldn't even access it until the very first day of class, which coincided with the sobig virus calamity..very irritating and hard for me to get any continuity going on.
the next day was going to be tough.
i had to do kind of a portfolio check session with the illustrators and work on some photo retouching for an up coming italian awake magazine and work with someone from the graphics department on the miniaturization issue.
as i walked around a little bit i noticed a large hell scanner sitting in a room with a plastic tarp over it.
Excellent threads...I just finished reading Parts 1 and 2...where is Part 3? This is good stuff!
what was the weirdest meeting hours you've ever seen or had?
sundays, we had 4 congregations for one kh.
one meeting on sunday was from 4pm to 6pm.
Lutece, yeah, the whole series is very funny. I am amazed at the situations that Plum gets herself into! Though with a family like that....
what was the weirdest meeting hours you've ever seen or had?
sundays, we had 4 congregations for one kh.
one meeting on sunday was from 4pm to 6pm.
Bookstudies on Saturday mornings, did you ever have that? It was a way to encourage people to go out in the field service right after the book study.
I preferred my bookstudy to be on Saturday. It freed up a night of week. The cost being getting home an hour later on Saturday morning.
Nah, getting well fed on Harry Potter, Janet Evanovich and Food Network, heehee.
Lutece, you are an Evanowich fan too? Has she published book Nine of the Plum series yet?
i wish i knew the original source of this article.
it appears to be written by an american.
thought i would share it, as i am proud of canada.. it's not just the weather that's cooler in canada.
I wish I knew the original source of this article. It appears to be written by an American. Thought I would share it, as I am proud of Canada.
It's not just the weather that's cooler in Canada
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
You live next door to a clean-cut, quiet guy. He never plays loud
music or throws raucous parties. He doesn't gossip over the fence, just
smiles politely and offers you some tomatoes. His lawn is cared-for, his
house is neat as a pin and you get the feeling he doesn't always lock his
front door. He wears Dockers. You hardly know he's there.
And then one day you discover that he has pot in his basement, spends
his weekends at peace marches and that guy you've seen mowing the yard is
his spouse.
Allow me to introduce Canada.
The Canadians are so quiet that you may have forgotten they're up
there, but they've been busy doing some surprising things. It's like
discovering that the mice you are dimly aware of in your attic have been
building an espresso machine.
Did you realize, for example, that our reliable little tag-along
brother never joined the Coalition of the Willing? Canada wasn't willing, as
it turns out, to join the fun in Iraq. I can only assume American diner
menus weren't angrily changed to include "freedom bacon," because nobody
here eats the stuff anyway.
And then there's the wild drug situation: Canadian doctors are
authorized to dispense medical marijuana. Parliament is considering
legislation that would not exactly legalize marijuana possession, as you may
have heard, but would reduce the penalty for possession of under 15 grams to
a fine, like a speeding ticket. This is to allow law enforcement to
concentrate resources on traffickers; if your garden is full of wasps, it's
smarter to go for the nest rather than trying to swat every individual bug.
Or, in the United States, bong.
Now, here's the part that I, as an American, can't understand. These
poor benighted pinkos are doing everything wrong. They have a drug problem:
Marijuana offenses have doubled since 1991. And Canada has strict gun
control laws, which means that the criminals must all be heavily armed, the
law-abiding civilians helpless and the government on the verge of a massive
confiscation campaign. (The laws have been in place since the '70s, but I'm
sure the government will get around to the confiscation eventually.) They
don't even have a death penalty!
And yet ... nationally, overall crime in Canada has been declining
since 1991. Violent crimes fell 13 percent in 2002. Of course, there are
still crimes committed with guns -- brought in from the United States, which
has become the major illegal weapons supplier for all of North America --
but my theory is that the surge in pot-smoking has rendered most criminals
too relaxed to commit violent crimes. They're probably more focused on
shoplifting boxes of Ho-Hos from convenience stores.
And then there's the most reckless move of all: Just last month,
Canada decided to allow and recognize same-sex marriages. Merciful moose,
what can they be thinking? Will there be married Mounties (they always get
their man!)? Dudley Do-Right was sweet on Nell, not Mel! We must be the only
ones who really care about families. Not enough to make sure they all have
health insurance, of course, but more than those libertines up north.
This sort of behavior is a clear and present danger to all our
stereotypes about Canada. It's supposed to be a cold, wholesome country of
polite, beer-drinking hockey players, not founded by freedom-fighters in a
bloody revolution but quietly assembled by loyalists and royalists more
interested in order and good government than liberty and independence.
But if we are the rugged individualists, why do we spend so much of
our time trying to get everyone to march in lockstep? And if Canadians are
so reserved and moderate, why are they so progressive about letting people
do what they want to?
Canadians are, as a nation, less religious than we are, according to
polls. As a result, Canada's government isn't influenced by large,
well-organized religious groups and thus has more in common with those of
Scandinavia than those of the United States, or, say, Iran.
Canada signed the Kyoto global warming treaty, lets 19-year-olds
drink, has more of its population living in urban areas and accepts more
immigrants per capita than the United States.
These are all things we've been told will wreck our society. But I
guess Canadians are different, because theirs seems oddly sound.
Like teenagers, we fiercely idolize individual freedom but really
demand that everyone be the same. But the Canadians seem more adult -- more
secure. They aren't afraid of foreigners. They aren't afraid of
homosexuality. Most of all, they're not afraid of each other.
I wonder if America will ever be that cool.
hi everyone.i just wanted to see if i could get some help here for a male friend of mine.
he is having a hard time with the romance deptartment.
i gave him a few ideas of my own but i thought if i threw the question out there maybe i could get him some views on how to romance a woman..... thanks for any sugggestions.
Many, many good suggestions. I learned a lot.
When she talks, actually listen.
Encourage her to persue her interests, dreams and goals - such are what life is made of.
When you find she wants something, remember it and buy it for her. Usually the inexpensive things are the most appreciated, especially if they are not easily obtainable. (For some reason, I rarely have problems finding such "rare" items; go figure.)
Help her appreciate herself and help her see her inner and outer beauty.
Baby her when she is sick. Blankets, a drink, a comfy bed or couch, rent her favorite movie. You would be amazed how many women feel bad when they have a headache or a migraine. Treat her as you would want to be treated, and tell her it is OK to be sick.
Appreciate her intelligence. Most men are initimidated by an intelligent woman, so this will make you stand out.
Most importantly, do everything from the heart. A gimmick or trick to win her over will not work long-term. What you do must be completely sincere and heartfelt.