Hi Richard,
Perhaps you need to go over my reply again. You missed the 'sovereignty of God' reasoning (or ignored it) completely. You also failed to acknowledge that we have very much chosen our own fates by our own free will, as has Satan.
You are obviously either blinded to, ignorant of or intentionally ignore the reasoning that the apostle Paul uses in Romans. If you want an explanation of election/free will just look up 'Calvinism' in your favorite search program.
Seeker's reply is the same as I was going to reply, except he is better with words than I am.
Whether God had the right to commit genocide or not, whether or not free will was involved, whether or not those countries deserved to be wiped out...none of this affects Julie's original posting. If the Bible is literally true, then God killed the unborn on a massive scale. This is true whether or not God's actions were moral or immoral.
There are some possibilities where this may not have happened:
1) If the Israelites or the Bible said God ordered the genocide when He didn't. That raises issues on the trustworthiness of the Bible.
2) There were no pregnant women at the time the genocide was committed. This is highly unlikely considering that millions of people were killed. The chance of zero pregnant women being present is nil. Unless God did a miracle first and stopped all women from getting pregnant for nine months prior to the genocide. No one has suggested this as a serious possibility.
I see that you have not taken my advice to read either "Mere Christianity" by Lewis or "Basic Christianity" by Stott. Neither of them are 'fundys' as you would describe them.Only for practical reasons, namely lack of time and lack of interest. Like everyone else's my time is limited and I have to be choosy about what I read. My interest now mostly lies in non-religious subjects. You may have noticed that the quality of my posts has got down in the last few years. I don't have the time and desire to reesearch JW topics nor religious topics anymore. A few years ago I would have gladly read C.S. Lewis' works, but now I would rather put my time into other interests. This is not a reflection on C.S. Lewis. I always had trouble wrapping my head around his writing style.
You jump gleefully to agreeemnt with Julie's questions even before you reason out the valid response I gave.I thought you did a great job. I just saw no contradiction between what you wrote and what Julie wrote. If anything, your points supported hers. If anything, your post said, 'Julie's right but there is a good reason.'