Posts by sleepy
Personality Survey
by ninjaturtle inwhat's your personality type?
take this test if you're not sure:.
What is going on?
by gilwarrior inthe following was a letter that i wrote to myself several weeks ago.
i'm not sure what to make of this.
ok, tonight i went to my dance class.
"There are basically two types of people (overall), introverts and extroverts. You are an introvert. The world is made up of both. One is not better than the other. Viva la differance, as they say."
No NO NO No .
Don't put yourself into a group or stick label all over you or that is what you will be.
I don't know all that happened but the girl was being rude.
I would never walk away from someone if they were talking to me.
Unless of course she is very shy, and felt a sudden onset of terror or maybe you came acroos too strong.
See they are lots of things to consider."There wasn't anyone who I felt comfortable sitting with. The girl who I was talking to was sitting with two of her friends. I didn't feel comfortable asking if I could sit down. At that moment I hated everyone there! I was so angry! I wanted to yell, "Hey assholes, look at me! Don't treat me like I don't exist! Motherfuckers!" I immidiately left."
Try not to get angrey in these situations and feel that other peoples lack of openness is an attack on you.
Most people woould feel nervous to sit down with a group of strangers it taks courage and guts.
I think its good to remmeber that maybe 90 per cent of people find social interactions with strangers difficult.Maybe youre in the unfortunate circumstance of trying to get in with the wrong group of people, I mean there are some people who just don't mix well.
Do you avoid certain types of people because you don't get on with them or they do not seem your type.
Nearly all people do.I think this will take time and effort .
Having your own interets and hobbies will make you an interesting person to talk to , so if you havent many prehaps thats a place to start. -
JW's not a cult or sect just Christians...
by sleepy injw's not a cult or sect just christians , would be the impression you get if you asked most people.. oh yes they get anoyed when they get woken up on saturday morning , they know a bit about there stand on blood and christmas, but not much else.. hey i went to my local libary today to see what books they had on jehovahs witness.first i did a search on the computer for coc, gentile times.. e.t.c none came up.so i went to the religion section to have a look.. lots of books on mormons , christadephians , christian science oh jehovahs witnesses ,damn its the procliamers book.. then i found a book millions now living will never die not the rutherford version but writen by an ex witness in the 60's.
(i noticed a lot of critical notes hand writen in there by people who have read it i bet they never told anyone the'd read an apostate book).
it was the only book in the libary critical of the witnesses.
JW's not a cult or sect just Christians , would be the impression you get if you asked most people.
Oh yes they get anoyed when they get woken up on saturday morning , they know a bit about there stand on blood and christmas, but not much else.Hey I went to my local libary today to see what books they had on Jehovahs witness.First I did a search on the computer for CoC, Gentile times.. e.t.c none came up.So I went to the religion section to have a look.
Lots of books on Mormons , christadephians , christian science oh Jehovahs witnesses ,Damn its the procliamers book.
Then I found a book Millions now living will never die not the Rutherford version but writen by an ex witness in the 60's.(I noticed a lot of critical notes hand writen in there by people who have read it I bet they never told anyone the'd read an apostate book)
It was the only book in the libary critical of the witnesses.(apart from a few book that listed the entire range of religions.
So the point is by and large Jehovahs witnesses are seen as ok. A bit strange but not dangerous.
How misinformed the world is , Jehovahs witness are a danger to humanity , the belief systems takes peoples lives , chews them up and spits them out.
You come out as a shadow of what you could have been.People need to be more aware of what really happens as a witness.
I feel only TV or the mass media can do this .People see other religions as dangerous but witnesses as a bit odd.
I feel we must do more to change this.
If we don't our children will be next.
Or maybe it will be the witnesses who will create there own downfall who knows what lenghts they will go to in the future to defend their ever crumbling castle.
Prehaps they will one day go too far with disasterous consequences. -
Which is the most ridiculous religion?
by sleepy inmost of us now laugh at the witnesses, but i think compared to some others they are quite reasonable ( notice i said compared).. so which religion has the most crazy beliefs.. i dont have much knowledge of these religions but i'll mention what i know , feel free to add your own points or correct me if i'm wrong.. i'll start with.. mormons,.
believe jews migrated to america.and that we are angels on earth being tested.. monnies,.
believe rev moon is jesus on earth.they also use (missuse) quatum physics to prove their beliefs.. scientology,.
Are Elders trianed in incompetence?
by sleepy inhere's some experiences of some people i knew in the truth who had personal problems.
who were they to turn to , why the mature elders , even better you could write to the society.. so what happened?.
friend 1.. friend number one knows he is gay ,he likes men big boys.
"An admission of homosexual leanings is very serious, and the idea is that the elders have to act as a team - no secrets from each other."
What are they going to do rugby takle him?
Lets say someone else told an elder in confidence that he fancied someone elses wife.
Would he know have to tell all the other elders?
This person went and told the elder in confidence, the elder promised not to tell anyone else , he did."However,.. the actions that you describe seem to have been handled by the book."
That explains why their actions were so wrong .
The book is the JW rule book.
Why should anyone have there secrets shared around an elect group of men?IslandWoman
If "he likes men and big boys", what age are these "big boys"? Are they sixteen, seventeen? If so, then the elder may have acted to protect the young men in the congregation.
No thats not what I ment. -
Are Elders trianed in incompetence?
by sleepy inhere's some experiences of some people i knew in the truth who had personal problems.
who were they to turn to , why the mature elders , even better you could write to the society.. so what happened?.
friend 1.. friend number one knows he is gay ,he likes men big boys.
Are Elders trianed in incompetence?
by sleepy inhere's some experiences of some people i knew in the truth who had personal problems.
who were they to turn to , why the mature elders , even better you could write to the society.. so what happened?.
friend 1.. friend number one knows he is gay ,he likes men big boys.
Why do all elders in a certain congregation need to know that someone has homosexual desires?
Explain how this helps someone?
If in a cong there are only 2 elders and in another 12 how many elders should know in each hall?
Are they all needed to help this person? -
Are Elders trianed in incompetence?
by sleepy inhere's some experiences of some people i knew in the truth who had personal problems.
who were they to turn to , why the mature elders , even better you could write to the society.. so what happened?.
friend 1.. friend number one knows he is gay ,he likes men big boys.
Dodn't we see the point here?
To confide in an elder or the society is to tell all the elders.
Imagine how embarissing this is for someone who has a personal problem they would rather other people did not know.
What possible reason could their be for all elders to know what goes on in your head ?How does this help you?
All that happens is that all the elders know what you do or what weakness you have.
If people were really concerned about your feelings why would they do this? -
Are Elders trianed in incompetence?
by sleepy inhere's some experiences of some people i knew in the truth who had personal problems.
who were they to turn to , why the mature elders , even better you could write to the society.. so what happened?.
friend 1.. friend number one knows he is gay ,he likes men big boys.
Friend 1 was not a practising homosexual so why was it anyone elses business?
Friend 2 sent a letter about a problem.Why do 12 elders need to know his problem?
Which is the most ridiculous religion?
by sleepy inmost of us now laugh at the witnesses, but i think compared to some others they are quite reasonable ( notice i said compared).. so which religion has the most crazy beliefs.. i dont have much knowledge of these religions but i'll mention what i know , feel free to add your own points or correct me if i'm wrong.. i'll start with.. mormons,.
believe jews migrated to america.and that we are angels on earth being tested.. monnies,.
believe rev moon is jesus on earth.they also use (missuse) quatum physics to prove their beliefs.. scientology,.
What about Born agains?
I don't want to offened anyone but isn't it out of the frying pan into the fire?
Once saved always saved.
Miracle healing.
Speaking in tougues.
Forming folk bands.