WingCommander: But in hindsight, the extreme fear in the 1980's of "any day now the Great Tribulation is going to break out", evaporated.
That's a good point. They learned not to set hard dates after 1975, but they did want to keep the urgency of the end times in place. The 1980s may have been the last hard push. 1984 was seventy years after 1914, so the end had to be near. 1986 was the UN's 'year of peace and security,' so the end had to be near. 1989 was the fall of the Berlin wall and communist Russia, so the end had to be near.
By 1990 most JWs had to be exhausted by it. Maybe that is why I started a slow and reluctant fade. Being disappointed so many times takes a toll, especially if you wanted it to be true. Maybe that is also why the 1995 change regarding generations was done so quietly. But at this point you also had the year 2000 panic, which meant that... the end had to be near. And nothing happened.
When you go through this over a 20-30 year period, the excuse that "they didn't really say it was the end" not only rings hollow, it is insulting. And it becomes clear that they are trying to have it both ways, making you believe that the end is almost here, then blaming you for 'misunderstanding' their bullshit. In 20-30 years, someone will be saying that Lett's "last part of the last days" talk was misunderstood by people who were too eager for the end to come.