NotFormer: an actual teacher acting that way towards a ten year old girl?
Ahhh, the USA school system in the 1970s!
Our second-grade teacher was a tall, intense man who may never have smiled in his life. He would have been described as "strict" in those days, as opposed to abusive, which is what he was. He would routinely slap or shove children (remember, this is second grade... we were seven years old) and occasionally manhandle them, such as twisting their arms behind their backs. There was a group of four or five children who were his constant targets. The rest of us kept quiet and did as we were told because the way he assaulted them was terrifying.
And our parents were fucking thrilled with the guy. In the second grade, we had memorized our multiplication and division tables, and were doing math lessons that were normally part of the fifth-grade math class. His ability to terrorize us into doing well in math was all the justification that parents needed. I have no idea what happened to him. I must assume that he either continued to traumatize children, or finally met a parent that didn't put up with his act, or maybe died of a stroke or got run over by a bus (or any other fate that would spare further generations of children).
I do feel that schools today have often gone too far in the other direction, but this guy is responsible for untold numbers of people who are messed up in some way or another. And parents thought it was great.