The end-times nutters are crawling out of the woodwork, all of a sudden. We may need to start a list of these new dates, so we can check them off as they pass without anything happening.
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
1925--2025... 100 years since Rutherford promised paradise earth.
by Witness 007 inrutherford wrote in 1925 "millions now living will never die"...they died.
he also promised that moses and david and all the old bible heroes would live with him in his mansion.
only he lived there till he died in 1942...100 years and not much changed..
Age Appropriate Friends
by Riley inwe have a 25 year guy in our hall who is also a pioneer (which means he lives off his parents money), who likes to spend a lot of time with a 16 year old girl in the hall.
it is usually in a group setting but he seems to gravitate toward her.
he even has her auxilary pioneering , which is something i don't think any student trying to make the grades needs.
Jan: Surely there should be a safeguarding officer.
There's no official position of the sort, though the expected action would be for a concerned person to speak with an elder and express any concerns, which would then (presumably) be investigated by the body of elders. I don't think there is much in the way of guidelines. Elders would be expected to talk to this person privately and provide spiritual guidance if they considered it necessary.
Ideally, they would not tell the person who expressed concern, but that's not always guaranteed. I have heard too many stories of elders who would become annoyed when anyone 'bothered' them with issues like this. So they would make it a point to identify the person who brought up the issue, thus creating exactly the sort of problems that they were supposed to prevent.
JW elders are handed a Bible and little else, and expected to deal with a wide range of issues, some of which they are clearly not prepared to deal with.
2025**S-147**January** Announcements.
by Atlantis in2025**pdf**s*147**announcements.. here..
Thank you so much for doing this, Petra.
Is the Watchtower Ultimately a Creation of Fallen Angels?
by Sea Breeze ina watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
In the 80s and 90s, I can recall discussions my mother had with other JWs about demons and demonic presences and even actual attacks. She would tell stories of such experiences that she had been told about. Once I got out, I noticed that all of those stories were third/fourth-hand tales. I don't recall a single person explaining something that they dealt with directly; it was always a distant relative, or a friend of a friend, and so on. But, oh boy, did we believe them!
Invisible oppressors are a convenient go-to for a lot of religious and superstitious people, as it can be used to explain stuff that otherwise would make them uncomfortable. If people of other religions are having supernatural experiences that "prove" that their faith is real, the obvious way to deal with that is to claim they are deluded. But that could also be applied to experiences that support their own beliefs. So they prefer to claim that the experiences that do not support their beliefs must have involved demons. It still leaves them open to the question of how they can be sure that they're right about who is being deceived.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Journeyman: The continued arrogance of specifying a number he expected to join.
This is only part of the issue. It is a weird approach, to state your exact goal instead of growing the numbers organically. After all, what happens if you surpass your goal? Do you reset it? Do you stop asking for support?
The other part is that he isn't doing anything to grow his support. His output appears to be low and uninspired, which is what we predicted would happen as the people who did the bulk of the work left. He has nothing to pivot to, in part due to his lack of ambition and in part because his past is still haunting him. (I would encourage him to keep trying to become an influencer, and ignore the people who point out that he looks like a goddamned clown.)
I expected him to be under 300 by now, but it seems he will hang on a bit longer before he hits that next negative milestone. Ironically, the lack of interest from his critics might hurt him the most-- he won't be able to use 'persecution' as a selling point. Does he ever mention the lawsuit anymore? No? I wonder why...
Annual Report
by St George of England inthe latest report is now available for download on our favourite website!.
I wonder if the slower decline of JWs is due, in part, to the door-to-door work they did for so long. That's a level of dedication that people cannot help but notice. Sure, many people notice it when they are being bothered on a weekend morning or accosted on the street, but at least some people will admit that it takes some dedication and a bit of brass to keep doing it, especially in places that aren't all that nice to walk around in.
Could the recent changes lead to less activity in the field? And can this lead to a short-term increase, as people notice that JWs are not going door-to-door as zealously*, followed by a period of decline as they begin to fade into the background of public perception?
* In other words, the cessation of the door-to-door work might be seen as a sign of the end.
Jesus Christ Will Arrive Within The Next Four Minutes! (parody)
by Nathan Natas inyes, you read that correctly!.
jesus h. christ will arrive within the next four minutes!
in fact, by the time you read this, he may have alreadt arrrived!.
As Tolkien once wrote: "Armageddon is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means to."
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Probably more arm-twisting, guilt-tripping, and begging. He doesn't seem to be doing much to earn additional support, so it's only a matter of time. I'm just waiting for him to put out a video admonishing his supporters for their lack of generosity, by pointing out that he was only able to take four or five vacations last year.
Jesus Christ Will Arrive Within The Next Four Minutes! (parody)
by Nathan Natas inyes, you read that correctly!.
jesus h. christ will arrive within the next four minutes!
in fact, by the time you read this, he may have alreadt arrrived!.
You're not late, it's still just four minutes away.
Is the Watchtower Ultimately a Creation of Fallen Angels?
by Sea Breeze ina watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
the evidence is too strong to be disputed
Russell and Rutherford loved doing this-- regaling readers about how ironclad a particular claim was, even though they had no way of demonstrating this. Many of these 'indisputable' claims were later changed, and many of their 'indisputable' predictions did not come to pass. Come on, Watchtower-- show us some of these "genuine manifestations."