a watcher: Americans will get the President that they will tolerate, for better or worse.
Or the one we deserve, for becoming complacent. The US President is supposed to be a figurehead mostly. Congress does the real work, and the President does the public relations stuff, with the occasional action to show s/he is actually doing something. But I think we've gotten into believing that the position is the most important thing, and with the overuse/abuse of executive actions, it's becoming more powerful than it should.
The problem with setting things up for this kind of power abuse is that it never ends up in the hands of the person/party that does most of the work to undermine freedom and rights. It ends up in the hands of a crackpot or monster, whose first action is to get rid of anyone who was actually hoping to make things better. It is the curse of the human condition, that we always forget history and therefore are doomed to repeat it.