As Tolkien once wrote: "Armageddon is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means to."
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
Jesus Christ Will Arrive Within The Next Four Minutes! (parody)
by Nathan Natas inyes, you read that correctly!.
jesus h. christ will arrive within the next four minutes!
in fact, by the time you read this, he may have alreadt arrrived!.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Probably more arm-twisting, guilt-tripping, and begging. He doesn't seem to be doing much to earn additional support, so it's only a matter of time. I'm just waiting for him to put out a video admonishing his supporters for their lack of generosity, by pointing out that he was only able to take four or five vacations last year.
Jesus Christ Will Arrive Within The Next Four Minutes! (parody)
by Nathan Natas inyes, you read that correctly!.
jesus h. christ will arrive within the next four minutes!
in fact, by the time you read this, he may have alreadt arrrived!.
You're not late, it's still just four minutes away.
Is the Watchtower Ultimately a Creation of Fallen Angels?
by Sea Breeze ina watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
the evidence is too strong to be disputed
Russell and Rutherford loved doing this-- regaling readers about how ironclad a particular claim was, even though they had no way of demonstrating this. Many of these 'indisputable' claims were later changed, and many of their 'indisputable' predictions did not come to pass. Come on, Watchtower-- show us some of these "genuine manifestations."
Why you need Christmas to understand Easter/Memorial
by Anony Mous inso i went to a christmas evening candlelight service tonight and it hit me.
i was primarily doing christmas since leaving the jw for the children.
lots of people do it for family without really thinking of the relevance.
I don't recall them ever emphasizing Jesus's birth. It's a meaningful event to a JW, in that it meant that an important step in Jehovah's promise to redeem humanity had finally arrived. But Jesus is a secondary character to Jehovah for JWs. They make note of it, but do not celebrate it the way other Christian denominations do.
Sea Breeze or NewLife, can you translate this for me?
by SydBarrett in<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="youtube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
This is how he came up with the lyrics to Yellow Ledbetter.
Rethinking WT Charity Status in Canada.
by Vanderhoven7 inrethinking wt charity status in canada.. . .
Vidiot: Decrease.
I agree. If they go fully mainstream, they become just another Christian church. But that requires a long list of changes. These changes will alienate the old-school hardcore JWs, but will do nothing to make the religion more attractive to potential recruits.
Allowing birthday and holiday celebrations? Congrats, you are starting to catch up. Do away with shunning and the blood policy? Again, lots of other Christian churches don't have this issue, plus it will generate a LOT of criticism from loyal JWs who suffered under those policies. Their view of the afterlife for sinners is better than the concept of eternal suffering, so I guess that's one possible point in their favor (even if it's not unique). Goodbye, governing body? Goodbye, book publishing? I don't think you'd have anything left, if that went away...
I don't think they can go completely mainstream without shutting down. I'm more interested in how far they will go, and how their decisions will affect the numbers along the way.
We Don’t Give Christmas Presents; We Give Presents To Each Other All Year Long!
by Sea Breeze inhow many of you dutifully told this lie to your friends as a kid?.
I repeated that one, and also the ones about not celebrating Valentine's Day or Father's Day or Mother's Day. "You can do those things any time!" So... how often did we buy/receive gifts during the year? Not that often. How often did married couples celebrate anything remotely like Valentine's Day? Not very often; for many couples, not at all. How often did we treat our parents as if it was Father's/Mother's Day? Hardly ever? Never?
This is another of the ways in which a restrictive religious cult harms people. These holidays were considered evil, and so we were conditioned to reject even the spirit of these events/periods. The only concession I can remember my mother making was that she would allow us to watch the Christmas cartoons. Mostly, she did it because it kept us out of her hair for a couple of hours. To enjoy the festive nature of the holidays was to allow ourselves to be tempted. And that's such an awful thing to do to people.
Enjoy the lights. Enjoy the festivities. Enjoy the gift-giving, the costumes at Halloween, the box of chocolates on Valentines Day, the cards and gifts on Father's/Mother's Day, and so on. And have some cake on your birthday, for crying out loud.
Big Local Case, Sexual Abuse by former Elder, Police Raided the Kingdom Hall ! Kent, U.K !
by Phizzy inthe police have started an investigation where a woman has courageously come forward about her sexual abuse by a former elder, who had a record of doing such things with the local congregation, and i think it was all covered up.
they have charged him, he is claiming he is not mentally fit to appear in court, i hope that lie does not hold up !.
this case was unknown to the local elders, but hopefully will now give the strength for other women, who were all very young and very vulnerable at the time , to come forward as well.
Organizations can talk all day about the 'cleansing light of truth' but they change their tune very quickly when it is one of their own who needs to be investigated. Please, Stephen Lett, tell us again about those "apostate-driven lies"and false accusations, and how much you care about the safety and well-being of children...
Make America Great Again.......Maybe...........For all you on Social Security.
by liam inso there's a bill called the social security fairness act that "might" help those on social security.
the bill is something trump said he would push for once he become president.of course there is some rinos and democrats who don't want the bill because they still want to fund wars that americans have no business getting involved.
all the president has to do is signed it "if" he makes it into office.. this could go in effect as soon as next year.
A point of clarification: in spite of the name, DOGE is not actually a department; it is a commission. It has a specific task (identify areas of wasteful spending in government) a time period (18 months) and a specific outcome (a report). It does not --and will not-- implement any changes itself, since it does not have the power to do so.
I cringe when newspeople and commentators talk about what DOGE is going to do, as if it has any power to make policy changes or strike out even a single budgetary line item. It does not. It will give the President a list of things that he may choose to target, and probably some recommendations. That's it. Also, when given this list, Trump will not be able to simply scratch off items and terminate the funding for them with a stroke of a pen. I realize that people are panicking right now about Trump naming himself King of the Universe, but Congress still runs things in the USA, and Republicans in the House and Senate are not all aligned with Trump's plans.
It's similar with Social Security. Stated plans are all well and good, but actually getting something done requires more than a sternly-written letter from the President.