I went with my daughter today to the hospital as she had to have some tests done.
On a shelf was a Gideon Bible. It had some of their history in the front pages. It seems they are a group of christians from different religions that spread the word about God. They also distribute bibles to various places to help others learn about God.
So I turn to Psalm 83:18 and sure enough..their it was.."Jehovah's" name.
I showed my daughter and she snaps back..so that proves the witnesses are right?
I just stared at her. She was raised a witness and we left when she was in her late teens.
So do you think she deep down still wonders?
She sure got me wondering..her family now are all active Catholic.
Do any of you that were raised in the religion still have deep down doubts as to it's truthfullness?