Ignore the previous message. This link will work.
let's mine for the next gb update!
it isn't yet on the servers, however the code 1112024014 is to be used for august.
it should be out publicly on the borg website tomorrow.
Ignore the previous message. This link will work.
let's mine for the next gb update!
it isn't yet on the servers, however the code 1112024014 is to be used for august.
it should be out publicly on the borg website tomorrow.
Let's mine for the next GB update! It isn't yet on the servers, however the code 1112024014 is to be used for August. It should be out publicly on the Borg website tomorrow. Keep checking. Likely it will be available on the servers tomorrow morning UK time.
Links to 2 resolutions of the video:
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
If the Garden of Eden was a myth because a serpent spoke, why are we missing an obvious fact? Eve had the first case of schizophrenia! It's bloody obvious!
so as they say one picture is as strong as a thousand words and here you have it guys in the latest study edition of the watchtower for october 2024 that has just been posted on their website a middle aged jw window cleaner dreaming of the new system where things will get better.
why does the watchtower need to talk now about jws on minial self employed jobs?
A naughty song to laugh along to.
this thread currently has over 300 comments.. it shows a picture of an older man washing a window looking wistfully… then it talks all about how some may have doubts about not having planned and the situation they are in now that they are older, etc.
it refers to others who did plan and who supposedly have ‘apparent’ financial security.
in my opinion, the whole gist of this article is to make older witnesses feel better who did not pursue a career or plan well for retirement.. it tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security - which is to say they don’t (?).
From my experience within 70+ years of having known the Organization, encouraging specific secular work was never done by the Society. Especially in the 1970s in Britain, window cleaning was a helpful well paying business which was flexible enough to fit around the Society's demanding schedule. You see, as we were a smaller religion in England at the time, we all had mutual connections all over the country and we told them either by letter or telephone or when we visited them about this fantastic and easy business which could help "put God's Kingdom first", some may even have had relatives who emigrated to the US or Australia and shared the same message with them. As you can imagine, some independently minded elders at assemblies and conventions subtly promoted it at the time when the Society definitely was not encouraging jws to pursue a specific lifestyle, only to find work that paid all the bills and helped them to live and which never conflicted with bible principles. Of course, I am presumptuous to assume if the British JWs started the craze, but it seems that for a pre-internet era word soon spread around across to many brothers and gradually many took up window cleaning as well as other cleaning activities (some chose office cleaning).
I did it for a time in the 80s, and I hated it. Some clients were so obnoxious and demanding. Such is the way of the British in some areas with our "stiff upper lip". I went back into accounting as I had done for many years previously and I felt for all those brothers who remained window cleaners until retirement, it was an especially dangerous job in those days, due to the fact this water fed pole system wasn't yet introduced and became a more preferable option some time in the 2010s in the area I lived.
Yes, the picture is sad. Let's not remember however some of these men made the sacrifice because they genuinely believed they were doing it to increase their ministry activities.
I am stunned at the number of Jehovah’s Witness men now who work "full time" as window cleaners, especially now they don't have to report time and if they do as regular pioneers it is a measly 50 hours! It's a doddle now. Call me a grumpy old man, but some of those witnesses who work "full time" as window cleaners earn 10 times more than my state pension, those bastards!
anyone have any anecdotal reports of individual congregation finances since the stealth takeover by the wt of their checking accounts?.
are donations up?
can they pay their bills?.
I wonder what more will be surrendered to Watchtower during this great "reset" period?
i'm interested to know the age demographics here.
it must be significantly different to other exjw forums.
it would be a damning report for watchtower if most of us appear to have left for decades.. you don't have to mention your exact age, you could always say "in my 50s".. i am in my 70s.
I'm interested to know the age demographics here. It must be significantly different to other exjw forums. It would be a damning report for Watchtower if most of us appear to have left for decades.
You don't have to mention your exact age, you could always say "in my 50s".
I am in my 70s. Suck you Watchtower!
any fond memories or funny stories relating to the old book study arrangement?.
i remember a time when a new sister turned up with very smart jacket and shirt.
yet she was wearing trousers and when questioned by everyone she said "blimey, i think geoff (her husband) is wearing my skirt!".
Any fond memories or funny stories relating to the old Book Study arrangement?
I remember a time when a new sister turned up with very smart jacket and shirt. Yet she was wearing trousers and when questioned by everyone she said "Blimey, I think Geoff (her husband) is wearing my skirt!"
The room roared with laughter. We let her off.
i remember sitting through public talks where the speaker spent the hour discussing in great detail anal sex, masturbation (of yourself and others), sex during menstruation and so on.
i was a child, looking back now, i realise that they systematically stripped away our childhood innocence, we knew and heard things no 'worldly' child would have heard.. the child abuse and grooming happened to every single one of us, the feelings of guilt and shame was in all of us even if we didn't actually do anything bad, the mental images caused by these filthy men hung around in our innocent minds till there was no room for that innocence.. it has taken me 44 years to realise that what was done to us, even those of us not physically abused, is a crime.. do they still have talks like that nowadays i wonder?
I do remember them very clearly. The org doesn't appear to mention such 'explicit' talks nowadays, they're probably afraid of how the Internet will expose them even more. Why, they had to create a form 'guidelines for public speakers' to stop all the snotty nosed elders from giving their opinions and crazy ideas and conform more to the universal JW Broadcast bog standard material.
a pair of young blokes came to my door @ 10am (ish) today (wednesday, if that matters).
i opened the door a crack to : hi!
just asking a question: do you think that the world is getting better or worse?*".
I have wondered in the past if ever I called at the home of a former witness who chickened out and didn't reveal themselves. Your experience is probably one of many fascinating ones.