Ron’s list with some additions:-
if the watchtower's plan is to quietly wind the jw religion right down to JWLITE just an almost entirely online religion. The yoke is very comfortable with almost zero load.
1.The first step, sell as many kingdom halls as possible leaving a skeleton selection of halls that lots and lots of congregations share. Some having to travel a long way. But it’s ok mostly zoom meetings just try to get to in person a few times per year.
2. Get as many donations on a regular basis from the remaining kingdom halls publishers.
3.Decrease the regular and auxiliary pioneer hour requirement even more.
4.Reduce the circuit overseers visit to just a couple of days. Wednesday first ministry group, one midweek meeting and a nice easy weekend.
5.Get rid of district overseers completely.
6.Lay off as many at bethel worldwide as possible. Send them back to the field and wash their hands of them, ask members of congregations to look after them.
7.Reduce the meetings to mainly just watching prepared videos. No preparation needed to take any item.
8.Remove the requirement to count time and submit a monthly report.
9.Allow brothers to have a beard.
10.Cart witnessing and informal park and public place witnessing replaces door to door work. Door to door is only done very seldom for ten mins at a time.
11.Electronic books and magazines and the jw website heavily promoted.
12.Stop printing the wt and awake and release just a few copies a year - or rehash older copies for the public.
13. New light on shunning and disfellowshipping. If person may feel suicidal then don’t have JD, meaning hardly anyone is ever needed to be shunned ever again, Elders ask each other could this make them feel suicidal? Better to be on safe side don’t disfellowship anymore.
14. Last minute placing your bets is fine. You can wait to see if their horse comes in or not, then place your bets after. So you can’t lose. If what JWs says starts to happen you can place your bets after, until then place your bets that JWs are wrong. This new lite at 2023AGM changes everything.
15. The big one new light on 1914. “We can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”
maybe Michael was not Jesus, we just don’t know. Maybe the battle in heaven did not happen in 1914 we just don’t know.
isn’t it wonderful how Jehovah reveals new light just at the proper time.
16. New light on birthdays as long as nobody get their head chopped off it’s a matter of personal choice. ( So many have been celebrating birthdays anyway the GB lost control of that one)
17. Blood transfusions are permitted if it really means every other option like cell saver has been tried first and it would mean loss of life without. (Again so many have been having blood transfusions the GB lost control)
18. So many have been going for advanced education the GB lost control so released in update saying while we have warned about the dangers of high education we have never made rules against it. We have never said Elders who have children in higher education should come off. (They try to delete the video where they showed exactly that but it’s out there on the internet and they can never claim they did not say that)
19. New lite on who qualifies as an elder as they are desperately short. Even teenagers can be MS or elder if they meet the lighter requirements which as about the same as being a publisher previously
20. Tony Morris gives a deathbed confession which breaks his NDA but it gets leaked anyway. He talks about how Jarez, Chitty and Greenlees were all GB members who were involved in CSA. This is why the secret database can’t ever come out because three GB names are on it. Along with many other top dogs who weren’t GB but we involved in participating and involved in the cover ups. He is now very sorry he covered for these Pedo’s, he wants to apologise to Selena Vertalomo and her sister and all the other victims