So will they be love bombed straight away? No to start with just smiles and greetings then once reinstated then the love bombing hugs and invites to gatherings
JoinedPosts by Teddnzo
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
JWlite like being a Trekkie. You know it’s fictional
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ini now view jwlite like the trekkie conventions.
star trek is fiction and all the fans know this full well.
but they find it beneficial.
These new changes make it even easier to stay JWlite.
All of Lloyd Evans and similar books are now out of date about the difference between soft fade and hard fade.
now there is no more fade, you don’t have to be shunned at all. The worst that could happen is you get DF’ed for 90days but JWs still talk to you
its just like a Trekkie who doesn’t really like Star Trek anymore but just wants to go to the gatherings and have the social aspect
Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? The recent changes and the Governing Body's 10 year plan
by redsetter2 ini am sure we were all shocked at the governing body update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.. i am an insider at whq, and when i was on reddit and in communication with avoidjw i explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the new light at the 2023 agm, that the jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how jws approached disfellowshipping in response to the norway situation if it didn't turn out in watchtower's favor.
the decision came because of a legal blow to watchtower, not because "holy spirit" wad directing a faithful slave, who is going to become the "evil slave", more explanation on this soon.. everything i stated came true.
i left reddit exjw community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true.
I am sure we were all shocked at the Governing Body Update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.
I am an insider at WHQ, and when I was on Reddit and in communication with AvoidJW I explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the New Light at the 2023 AGM, that the Jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how JWs approached disfellowshipping in response to the Norway situation if it didn't turn out in Watchtower's favor. The decision came because of a legal blow to Watchtower, not because "Holy Spirit" wad directing a Faithful Slave, who is going to become the "Evil Slave", more explanation on this soon.
Everything I stated came true.
I left Reddit EXJW community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true. I also stopped contact with AvoidJW due to the fact they did not phone WHQ for verification on my identity and they insisted on other methods of verification when I had made it resoundingly clear who I am in confidence with them. Now, AvoidJW has published in detail an article on the Update which I said would happen earlier this year.
Anyway, I must press forward with explaining what has been happening, and the plan of action for the Governing Body now.
Using an analogy of a chess piece on a chessboard, the Governing Body only makes its "moves" doctrinally and in its more secular organizational policies when its legal "opponent" gets in its way. The Governing Body have as little power and reliance on "Holy Spirit" as they let on. It's a façade, an image given to assure spiritually strong JWs that this is the Truth®.
All I can reveal is this:
The Governing Body has a 10-year marketing plan to remodel the Organization to become closer to a mainstream Christian religion.
Standards / Bible principles
Over the next few months and years, there will be more clarification on "conscience matters".
JWs will in time, be allowed by conscience to wear tattoos or piercings, as long as they do not reflect "extremes" in the world or identify them with the LGBTQ community.
Smoking tobacco and marijuana as well as taking of drugs will still be strongly discouraged, however they will no longer be considered disfellowshipping offences and in most cases reproval will be the goal of judicial committees in these areas.
In time, birthdays will be permissable under certain circumstances if the conscience allows. Weddings to non witnesses will also be no longer "frowned upon", as the suggestion will be given that a Christian woman by union with a respectable man may "win him over" to the "truth".
Also, the Governing Body will issue a statement that different forms of sex within marriage (such as oral and anal) are now permissable, as long as a married couple does not openly talk about sex otherwise they will be counselled by the elders.
Additionally, private consensual intimacy and sex between adults of the opposite sex will be a conscience matter, as long as vaginal sex and pregnancy is not involved and as long as the activities are not broadcast openly to other members of the congregation. If a married person is involved, they must receive permission from their spouse and then respect their mate's decision if they refuse to permit it, otherwise a judicial committee will be formed and repeated attempts will be made to help that one gain "repentance".
Chaperones will no longer be advised for courting couples, and matters of intimacy between them, including kissing, are no longer discouraged, as long as no vaginal intercourse is involved, which would result in disfellowshipping if the woman is discovered to be pregnant.
Blood transfusions will not be considered a conscience matter, in fact it will be back to how it used to be, instead they will reverse their opinions on using transfusion alternatives with blood fractions.
The Faithful Slave will soon refer to all Christians "taking the lead" in the Organization, not referring to solely anointed Christians. The Evil Slave may refer to the Governing Body of today in the event legal issues cause them to completely disband. Otherwise, the evil slave will simply refer to wicked men who manage to take the lead in Jehovah's Organization today.
The Revelation prophecies and Isaiah and Daniel prophecies will be completely rebranded and diluted to refer to more "faith strengthening" lessons on how Jehovah would help his people during the Last Days and into the 1000 year reign of Christ.
The memorial of Christ's death will no longer be observed by all of Jehovah's Witnesses, only the "anointed".
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and the like will still be rejected however more clarification will be given that a Christian can choose to join non witness relatives on their holiday celebrations with an opportunity to "give an alternative witness" to them by non participation in holiday rituals.
The New World Translation will be revised again by 2033.
The Song Book will again be revised by 2033.
No more new printed publications will be produced after 2034, everything will be made available online. JWs will instead have the NWT, the Song Book, Midweek and weekend meeting schedules, and a set number of pamphlets. The public magazines will no longer be published after 2033. From 2034 onwards, the Watchtower Study Edition will be larger, with more supplementary articles for children, adolescents, and non JWs reading along at the meetings.
The 1914 doctrine will be abandoned last.
Meetings, Assemblies, Conventions
Over the next 10 years, the Conventions will include 2 new episodes of the Good News According to Jesus, after which in 2034 there will be a feature length film based on the entire book of Acts. After that feature length film, the JWs will have hoped to have become closer to "first century Christianity", even though they make this claim already.
After 2034, there is supposedly be no more conventions or assemblies planned, and congregations will be remarketed for local meetings redesigned in a similar way as the original Bible Students group. The name "Jehovah's Witnesses" will no longer be designated beyond 2034, however I am not aware of what the "new name" will be.
The weekend meetings in time will be shortened, still with a public talk (always with one or 2 videos) and a 10-12 paragraph Bible Discussion based on an article in the Watchtower study edition. Some weeks will focus on a study article, other weeks will focus on age specific topics or topics for the public. The Watchtower study edition will completely change and become the only magazine produced for the Organization, and it will include inside the midweek meeting schedule which will also be revised to a more simple format.
The necessity for Territory Servants will be gone, and maps for door to door ministry will end within the next few years. It will depend upon the conscience of each Christian taking the lead in ministry groups which street to cover and how many houses they will work. Additionally, informal witnessing at the workplace or other places will be strongly encouraged. Public Witnessing carts will also come to their end by 2034.
In the next few years these changes may take place.
Bodies of Elders will be reviewed periodically by Circuit Overseers. The CO will have to power to remove any elder who doesn't meet Bible standards. Elders will no longer meet for the "quarterly" to recommend appointments, rather Circuit Overseers will recommend the appointments to the elder bodies. If the elder bodies have a disagreement over an appointment, they can discuss this with the CO. Only if the person concerned is engaged in questionable activities, then a CO may retract his suggestion and offer advice personally to the individual who was considered for appointment. However, most brothers will now be considered for being appointed as elders or ministerial servants, regardless of their personalities. The only reasons why they would not be considered are for: severe mental issues or promoting a superior or disagreeing attitude. If this method works, Circuit Overseers will carry on indefinitely, with no change once in every 3 years. The term "travelling overseers" will no longer apply to them.
In summary, whether the Governing Body does decide to apply this exhaustive agenda to rebrand the Organization based upon my inside sources, all I can confirm is that this Organization is not run by Holy Spirit, and it is a corporate real estate business. Why can I say this? Because in none of these instances are there any changes coming regarding construction of Kingdom Halls and other projects. To Watchtower, these things will always be and will last forever. Mark my words, the bridge is coming down, and it's crumbling more quickly than it ever has done. Whether you choose to remain a JW or not, it won't matter either way, because your religion (or former religion) will be a completely different religion in the next 10 years.
redsetter2Redsetter really appreciate having you on this forum and your info you shared there. I have copied it here for posterity
Its all very exciting and I’m eating popcorn sitting on my lawn chair watching the show.
by 2034 it will be interesting looking back at your predictions here. If you had to guess how much will prove true if what you said there?
The Governing Body has decided that publishers can use their Bible-trained conscience
by Teddnzo inthe governing body has decided that publishers can use their bible-trained conscience.. this could be the go to phrase for everything.
then no more court cases and millions in fines.. i bet they wish they did this for the vaccines.
but no they did not stay neutral they said jehovah’s direction in stay fully vaccinated or you can’t go to any of the schools.. in the future all rules could be just “the governing body has decided that publishers can use their bible-trained conscience”.
The Governing Body has decided that publishers can use their Bible-trained conscience.
This could be the go to phrase for everything. Then no more court cases and millions in fines.
I bet they wish they did this for the vaccines. But no they did not stay neutral they said Jehovah’s direction in stay fully vaccinated or you can’t go to any of the schools.
In the future all rules could be just “The Governing Body has decided that publishers can use their Bible-trained conscience”
then all doctrine could be “we can’t be dogmatic and we don’t know”
Jehovah's Witness Governing Body, (New Light Division) Are Vegetable Oils not more important than Beards?
by was a new boy in'use vegetable oil and soft margarine in place of animal fat,'.
'when possible, cook with unsaturated vegetable oils.'.
They are recommending oils like canola (which I call rape oil) that go rancid inside the bloodstream, creating more inflammation and clots within your blood vessels. And they wonder why there are so many with heart trouble. As for margarine and shortening, go ahead and eat it--if you enjoy eating plastic. That is what these abominations are, plastic.
And avoid animal fats? Sounds like the jokehovian witlesses are trying to impose a vegan diet on the flock. A vegan diet is deficient in so many key nutrients, including fatty acids and vitamin B12. We are not meant to be herbivores, idiots!
Yes the GB are absolute idiots and to me this direction from the so called faithful and discrete slave proves they are not who they claim to be. And if I am wrong and they are right that Jehovah wants us to eat plastic margarine and avoid animal fats and butter then Jehovah is an idiot as well.
Jehovah's Witness Governing Body, (New Light Division) Are Vegetable Oils not more important than Beards?
by was a new boy in'use vegetable oil and soft margarine in place of animal fat,'.
'when possible, cook with unsaturated vegetable oils.'.
“A recent book on religion in the United States notes: Christian leaders have regularly revised their teachings to match the beliefs and opinions gaining support among their members and in the larger society."
This is so true. When margarine was promoted as better than butter this is what the direction was from Jehovah.
we must never ever forget that the direction from Jehovah was to replace butter with margarine. How can the so called faithful and discrete slave not apologise for this madness 😡
2024 when will Witnesses admit they are wrong???
by Witness 007 in1914 generation is long gone.
1975 was a joke 40 years ago.
i know of many witnesses still hanging on for armagedon but when will they give up?
When you look at how much they have been wrong about since the 1800s and they have never ever admitted or apologised for anything. They are unlikely to start now.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
He is so late reviewing the 2023 AGM
then he says the last minute door of opportunity is a nothing burger? Huh
why is he so bad at what he does?
Depression & Isolation
by TxNVSue2023 ini've been recently reinstated & am very happy about it.
i do love righteous (love & justice) and i do hate wickedness ( selfishness & sin).
i do love jehovah and the bible truths & wisdom.
That was the case in the past but things have changed to such an extent now.
In congregations that we are familiar with most of us feel we love the Bibles promises and certainly have hope that they have some truth to them.
We so want the Bibles promises to be true and talk as if we have no doubt but we all do have doubts about JW interpretations.
These days JWs are openly talking about 1914 is probably not true, birthdays doctrine may have new light soon and shunning will have an updated understanding ect.
As long as you can’t be accused of causing division in the congregation then you can openly express doubts about the governing body.
The vaccine is the best example of this as now most people know that it was not safe or effective which means the governing body got it wrong and they were the ones causing divisions as they should have stayed neutral
Depression & Isolation
by TxNVSue2023 ini've been recently reinstated & am very happy about it.
i do love righteous (love & justice) and i do hate wickedness ( selfishness & sin).
i do love jehovah and the bible truths & wisdom.
I had this thought: if you have to pretend to be something you are not in order to have friends
Jwlite is not pretending to be something you are not. You can be honest with select ones that you love the Bibles promises but still don’t know what you believe. You can have hope the Bible is true. Things have changed so much that those who have been out a long time don’t know what the org is actually like these days.