Are you so preoccupied with your hate of the Society that you don't even see the blatant verbal abuse of a woman? Even if you don't agree with the scriptual admonition about women teaching publicly, do two wrongs make a right?
Sorry, WholeWheat, but you've yet to prove a 'second wrong' in this matter. Re-read your *entire* thread about "abusing women," and this time try engaging your brain beforehand.
As for my feelings toward the "Society"... Hate? Maybe. I posted this a few days ago: "I do feel anger toward the borg, a bit of resentment... But not bitterness........I hate the borg with a passion, but I don't dwell on it"... And one of the things I hate about the borg, when I stop and think about it (not "PREOCCUPIED with" hate; did you catch that point?) is their blatant verbal abuse of women. Wrapped up in pretty terminology like "just as honorable a place as," when what they mean is "aren't allowed to do it even if they want to, and are perfectly capable of."
The scriptural admonition? Even if I took the Bible as the Word Of God (TM), and I don't, I think I would at this point have better sense than to include the writings of the "apostle" Paul in the canon.