LOL, you can borrow my shovel if you need it
JoinedPosts by SpiderMonkey
Been playin PC Games since the 80's
by D8TA inlist of my favorite games:(tops of my list, played 1000's of games).
no special order:.
zork i-iii ---a heck, any infocom game from the late 70's to early 80's (oh those days of text adventures, and they kept me up all night).
Inactive 3yr, baptised & "expecting&qu...
by lofromchicago ini have been a lurker for quite some time now (3 years maybe), and i vist the site a few times every couple of months.
however, a situation has presented itself and i need to talk to someone.
my "story" from 3 years ago is posted on for some background info (i'm 26 now).
BTW, Chicago, if you happen to have superhuman intestinal fortitude and by some miracle are still perusing this site, please don't take all these ignorant personal attacks as being typical of what happens here. So far, I'd only seen such stupidity from the JW apologists that post here.
Inactive 3yr, baptised & "expecting&qu...
by lofromchicago ini have been a lurker for quite some time now (3 years maybe), and i vist the site a few times every couple of months.
however, a situation has presented itself and i need to talk to someone.
my "story" from 3 years ago is posted on for some background info (i'm 26 now).
LOL, if you would all just go back and read the original post, you could see for yourselves whether or not this fellow was "blaming his problems on apostates."
This is just the kind of situation I wanted others to know about: Previously outstanding Brother gets "corrupted" by apostates, stops going to meetings but not DF'd, moves to another city with non-jw girlfriend, gets now non-jw ex-girlfriend pregnant 3 years later, goes home to face the music and receive "I told you so" remarks from family and well respected JW father who happens to be an Elder. Great, eh?
Brother gets "corrupted" by apostates. (Hello, he put quotes around the word "corrupted." This is key. If you were looking for a reason to jump on someone, you probably seized on this: "This is just the kind of situation I wanted others to know about." Alarm bells go off in your mind. Obviously, he's trying to 'warn people about apostates,' right? WRONG; read the damn thing in the context of his story. He *didn't* want his family & elders to know about this situation; that, I think is what he meant, same as the "great, eh?" wasn't meant literally. If he literally meant that he was trying to warn people about brothers getting corrupted by apostates, then WTF would he put quotes around "corrupted"? Am I the only one here who reads?)
Every bit as dumb as it is dramatic. Read my posts. Those are my true colors. Don't seize upon the fact that I have better reading skills than yourself, and jumped in to defend a person who was getting pissed on for no reason, as a reason to claim I'm "not really an apostate." Good grief.
Interesting. Considering this site as been up just over 2 years now.
For crying out loud. He said "for quite some time now (3 years maybe)." For that, you think he's a troll? If he's lurking, do you think he's keeping a perfect record of how long he's been lurking? "3 years maybe" sounds to me like an estimate. Duh? Get a grip, people. -
Fastest Growing Religion in Oz is.................
by ISP inwitchcraft wins converts .
by jason frenkel .
witchy women (l-r): holly marie coombs, alyssa milano and rose mcgowan from charmed.
That's it. I'm packing my bags. Leave this country to the fundies if they want it so bad
(edited b/c my "emoticon magick" is still shakey)
Edited by - spidermonkey on 1 July 2002 22:11:42
Inactive 3yr, baptised & "expecting&qu...
by lofromchicago ini have been a lurker for quite some time now (3 years maybe), and i vist the site a few times every couple of months.
however, a situation has presented itself and i need to talk to someone.
my "story" from 3 years ago is posted on for some background info (i'm 26 now).
I think CERTAIN people have totally missed Nathan's EXCELLENT POINT: that the originaor of this thread is attempting to blame his behavior on 'apostates'.
Wrong on both your parts. Your attempt at mental telepathy, let alone reading comprehension, has failed.
This is just the kind of situation I wanted others to know about: Previously outstanding Brother gets "corrupted" by apostates, stops going to meetings but not DF'd, moves to another city with non-jw girlfriend, gets now non-jw ex-girlfriend pregnant 3 years later, goes home to face the music and receive "I told you so" remarks from family and well respected JW father who happens to be an Elder. Great, eh?
How much more obvious does it have to be that this was meant in a sarcastic way? Clue: Check out the punctuation specific to the word "corrupted." -
Inactive 3yr, baptised & "expecting&qu...
by lofromchicago ini have been a lurker for quite some time now (3 years maybe), and i vist the site a few times every couple of months.
however, a situation has presented itself and i need to talk to someone.
my "story" from 3 years ago is posted on for some background info (i'm 26 now).
Good thing you can hang out with SpiderMonkey - he thinks what you did is fine.
Where did you get that idea, Nathan? All I posted was that what you *said* wasn't fine.
How audacious of me to suggest that maybe you've behaved badly.
Re-read Chicago's post. He himself gave a strong impression that he'd behaved badly, and knew it, and was going to do his best to do right by that child. You obviously disagree that he has the ability to help care for a child - you feel he should give the child up for adoption; fine. But all your ignorant insults & gutter-talk have done nothing more than to cause bad feelings between yourself & another human being. LOL, *now* can I say "congratulations"? Congratulations, Nathan.
Straw that broke the Camels Back
by Perfection Seeker inso, whats the straw that broke the camels back in your life?
what was the final last straw that made you say thats it- no more?
i have so many-for 15 years i kept getting that last straw-and trying to ignore it- but i think the last straw was when my dad died- everyone kept (keeps) giving me the line of bs about never seeing him again unless i go to meetings.
I told them that, "If I didn't have to be here I'd probably be doing her right now."
Mutual heroes, then, gsx! Honestly, you & Seeker both praised me for what I said to an elder; meanwhile I'm LMAO at Seeker sneaking out on a prayer & driving away, not to mention your deadpan rebuke above
We may be a buch of f*d up people, but we're getting better
Can 'truth' change?
by wholewheat in.
in another thread i posted the following thought, but i wanted to post this for everyone to see and give their input.. the argument that 'truth' never changes holds no water.
according to random house webster's dictionary, 'truth' is defined as follows,"conformity with fact or reality".. the word 'conform' is defined as,"to bring into agreement".. if 'truth' never changes, then how can something taught in science that is considered to be 'exact', later be corrected by 'conforming with fact or reality so as to bring into agreement'?
So, is it possible that Physics, which is an exacting science, could have a 'law' that has to be updated or even corrected? If so, why can't Bible 'truths' be expanded on, even corrected? Remember, there were christians in the first century who were filled with Holy Spirit that believed that gentile christians had to be circumcised, and yet they had to be 'corrected' or 'updated' by Paul.
Thanks for making the point for us ...even though you have, once again, missed the point.
EVERY FIELD OF SCIENCE IS *BASED* ON CONTINUOUS REVISION, because we begin with the assumption that we don't know everything. None of it has *ever* been touted as "The Truth"; at best it's presented as a "working model." Newton's physics were the working model for a very long time, and then along came Einstein. His theory of relativity became the working model, and then along came quantum physics. Can you quote one quantum physicist who says that his ideas or theories constitute "The Truth"? What I'm trying to say is that your whole analogy is a big pile of poo
by erasescars ini am not, nor ever have been, a witness.
i have a very dear friend who is a former (actually still is technically, as i understand it) witness and who is trying to adjust to existence in the "world.
" i am here on this site to better understand the hell she has been subjected to all her life and the hell she is and will still go through on her journey.
[what the Prof said!]
I think those are direct quotes from the TV show; that's why the watchtower is termed the "Borg"... because that's the attitude they come across with
by erasescars ini am not, nor ever have been, a witness.
i have a very dear friend who is a former (actually still is technically, as i understand it) witness and who is trying to adjust to existence in the "world.
" i am here on this site to better understand the hell she has been subjected to all her life and the hell she is and will still go through on her journey.
erasescars, I'm not a "veteran" but I'll help you where I can:
You're right about "dub"; it's just a derivative of "j DoUBle - u"... The "Borg" were a race of cyborgs in Star Trek the next generation. Their typical line was "You will be assimilated; resistance is futile." They were a sort of hive-mind race, which fits the JWs in a whistling-past-the-graveyard sort of way. It's a very fitting joke, but not too funny when you consider that individual JW human beings are the ones acting like robots, and that this is what gives rise to the expression (that plus the fact that it rhymes with "org," short for The Organization, which is synonymous with The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society).
With disfellowshipping & disassociating, you're right on the money. DF means you're misguided for now but maybe you'll come around. DA is tantamount to the ultimate sin. But there's no difference in how the cong (yes, congregation) is supposed to treat you - as if dead, completely shunned.
Hope this helps.