Posts by SwordOfJah

  • Rayvin

    Why are honest questions considered apostasy?

    by Rayvin in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    this is why as i was growing up (raised in "the truth") i never asked questions.

    i never understood the birthday issue among other holidays.

    i never asked because i was scared i would be looked at as an apostate or as someone being worn down by the wicked association.

    1. Alwayshere
    2. PaulJ
    3. A Paduan
  • SwordOfJah

    I believe it's the spirit behind the questions that comes through as honest questions or apostate questions. Some questions are designed to entrap and these are not genuine. If questions are asked for the purpose of fortifying ones faith, then these will usually get answered or at least an honest attempt to answer these will be made. If a question does not really have an answer at this time, an elder will usually explain that we need to wait on Jehovah to answer it and this will take time. If we incist on the question and start speculating even to the point of criticizing Jehovah's ways, then that honest question will turn into an apostate viewpoint. Also, I believe debating for the sole purpose of debating is unproductive.

    Just my thoughts here...

  • avishai

    Where is SwordofJah?

    by avishai in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    sword has only posted once since the "crisis" thread.

    ( frankly, i'm a lil' bit concerned.

    you out there, buddy?

    1. avishai
    2. frankiespeakin
    3. Sunspot
  • SwordOfJah

    Hello to all. I have been in and out reading one or two threads here and there. Frankly, I've been very ill these past few months. This is a very tough battle between a body deteriorating and a mind that wants to keep living. I have wanted to comment on some threads, but really did not want to start battles because of my views being some pro-jw and some leaning toward anti-jw.

  • Funchback

    Anakin Skywalker vs. JW reaching Out

    by Funchback in
    1. social
    2. entertainment

    i saw 'revenge of the sith' this past weekend.

    i couldn't help but find similarities of anakin and young male jws.

    in fact, i felt a lot like anakin.

    1. LittleToe
    2. Funchback
    3. IP_SEC
  • SwordOfJah

    Talking to a Witness, this is what he told me:

    "I got the feeling that the Emperor was an apostate misleading another apostate-wannabe in Annakin. The scene where the Emperor is talking against the Jedi Masters, twisting things so that young Annakin starts doubting his former "friends". Just like Annakin was trying to be more powerful than the Jedi Masters, apostates want to replace the Governing Body by influencing their former brothers with the dark side."

    What do you think about that one?

  • badboy


    by badboy in
    1. jw
    2. friends
    1. aniron
    2. badboy
    3. Black Sheep
  • SwordOfJah

    I remember a quarrel a few years ago that the body was having over the territory limits of a new congregation. As I understand, some of the elders forming the new congregation wanted to split the territory evenly (50/50) while the elders staying in the original congregation wanted to hold on to most of the territory. A bit silly if you ask me.