422 is for my son's birthday, April 22. Starfish is because I love the ocean and, well, I'm a star.
JoinedPosts by starfish422
What does your name mean?
by pennycandy ini gave my intro and then disappeared for a month.
just not enough time these days.. anyway .
.. some of your names are self-explanatory, but some definitely have to be explained to be understood.. i'll start.
What First Stumbled You?
by glitter inwhat was the very first thing that "stumbled" you?
mine was: i was about 5 or 6 years old and of course i used to find it really hard to find things in my bible at meetings (couldn't find the books quick enough before they moved onto the next paragraph and used to get frustrated).
i had the idea to make little tabs for the edges of the pages so i could tell where the books were - so i asked mum to help me neatly write out the book names on tiny slips of paper and tape them inside.
A six-foot lad with green eyes and strong arms...
Confuscious, I am so sorry about your friend. What an awful experience. (((HUGS)))
Apology for 1975, what the Watchtower said ???
by run dont walk ini'm reading crisis of conscience again, on page 253, at the end of the chapter on 1975, he says the watchtower made an apology for all the hype regarding 1975, apparently stated in the march 15, 1980 watchtower.. can someone please post this ????????.
blondie, where are you !!!!!!!!!!.
anyone know of any other statements the watchtower said regarding their mistake in hyping this ??
Doctor Bob, thanks the link to your site. This one particularly got me:
Some seismologists believe that the earth is now in an active earthquake period. For example, Professor Keiiti Aki of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology speaks of "the apparent surge in intensity and frequency of major earthquakes during the last one hundred years," though stating that the period from 1500 through 1700 was as active. - 5/15/83 The Watchtower "Earthquakes - A Sign of the End?"
"This is in response to your inquiry about earthquakes [EC:ESH September 24, 1982]. The apparent surge in intensity and frequency of major earthquakes during the last one hundred years is, in all probability, due to the improved recording of earthquakes and the increased vulnerability of human society to earthquake damage. The main reason is the well established plate tectonics which indicates a very steady fault motion over the past many millions of years."
"A measure of earthquake strength more objective than casualty is the Richter scale. It is in general difficult to assign the Richter scale to earthquakes more than 100 years ago. An attempt, however, has been made in China, where historical records are kept in better shape than in other regions. Enclosed figures shows the Richter scale (M) of earthquakes in China during the periond of about 2000 years. The past 100 years are certainly active, but there have been periods as active as that, for example, from 1500 to 1700." - Letter from Keiiti Aki to the Watchtower Society dated September 30, 1982
Un-freakin-believable. They are no better than those quack "creation scientists". I wonder whether Professor Aki knew that his (I'm assuming male gender; not sure) words were chopped up like that in order to fit their criteria for "acceptable research".
Lurkers! The Watchtower's Hour of Test is Here
by metatron inwhile the watchtower is asset rich, contributions are another matter entirely.
passive-aggressive witnesses are skipping.
meetings and walking past lonely contribution boxes.
Nothing to add; just want to mention how much I'm enjoying this thread. Some interesting theories!! Please continue.
Favorite Scripture? Here's mine...
by confusedjw indo you have a favorite scripture?
mine is ecc 7:3 "better is vexation than laughter, for by the crossness of the face the heart becomes better.
ever realize you are a certain way and it just makes your face cringe?
My favourite one that often comes to mind when I'm participating in a particularly frustrating discussion online, is Matthew 7:6.
Harsh reality of disfellowshipping
by lovinlife inhi everybody, it has been forever since i have been here!
i have missed you.
i had some harsh reality of disfellowshipping thrown in my face yesterday that made me realize how much i have missed being here with all you lovely people.
LL: I am so sorry that your SIL has been so ill. I'm also sorry for the way you had to find out about her illness.
Right now, I am kept somewhat "in the loop" by my 'worldly' grandmother. However, once she is gone, I don't know what, if any, information I will get about my family. If someone was seriously ill or passed away, I can say almost with certainty that my father would not call me. He refuses to acknowledge my presence even when circumstances place us in the same room. I have hope that my mother would have the class to pick up the phone.
Sorry I don't have any advice; just a (((HUG))) and to let you know that I can identify, as many of us can.
Sitting here listening to my man Satch's latest offering
by DanTheMan in.
and of course it is stupendously unbelievably good.
another great one joe, you rule!!!
BTW, Dan, I couldn't agree more with your feelings on Steve Vai. He's like a robot; technically perfect, but devoid of emotion. Satriani is completely different.
Sitting here listening to my man Satch's latest offering
by DanTheMan in.
and of course it is stupendously unbelievably good.
another great one joe, you rule!!!
Hubby and I had a Satch song as our first song at our wedding; it was "Always With Me, Always With You".
JWs set up information table and website at Ohio University
by Dogpatch injws set up information table and website at ohio university.. http://cscwww.cats.ohiou.edu/~jwitness/.
watchtower news.org.
The sign saying "What Would You Like To Ask God?" doesn't do much to dial down the crazy.
If you considered going back to the hall....
by JH inif you considered going back to the hall after posting here for a while, would you hesistate telling us?
I've only ever been back to KH property once, to return some magazines that someone left in my mailbox, with a note asking the local cong. not to leave literature for me again. That, and some nightmares I keep having.