If you see lawyers as money grubbers, it might be a two-way street
I have hired a lawyer twice in my life. The first gave me bad legal advice that cost me over $10,000. When I brought it to his attention that his BAD advice cost me $10k, he got snotty with me and said maybe I should just fire him if I didn't like what he was doing for me. I would have liked to fire him, but we were in the last phase of the divorce case so firing him would only have cost me even more $ to hire another and time. My hands were tied to really do anything except suck it up.
The second lawyer I ever hired cost $3,000 retainer and he made one phone call. When I asked him if we would get any of the retainer back he laughed at me.
On the other hand, I have never ripped off any lawyers. (ohhh I see where your going... we are ripping you off by getting free legal advice that you post of your own free will?) Really?
DOC: We all know it's unfair to lump them all together. 99% of all lawyers give all the other good ones a bad name.
This has been the case with my limited experience with lawyers. I understand that 2 in not a large enough sample, but that is my experience.
Why do you think there are so many negative lawyer jokes?
I would think a lawyer who has 7 years of education and real world experience would have a little thicker skin then getting all upset and want to leave this community over some idiot talking out his ass. Insead of setting the idiot straight, you instead throw a tantrum because someone dared to disagree with you?
BOTR, I like reading your posts and I have also become educated along the way due to your posts. Leave if you must, but there is no reason to insult everyone on your way out.
*** Resisting temptation to post my favorite lawyer joke. ***