It has been almost one year since the members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses resigned as directors of the legal corporations.
The expressed reason for this change was printed as “A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT” in the January 15, 2001 Watchtower, page 31:
This decision is beneficial indeed. It allows members of the Governing Body to spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.
Many Witnesses rejoiced over this change last October, as it would undoubtedly benefit the rank and file Witnesses with spiritual food and new light.
The majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses know that adjustments to policy or “current truth” come by way of the Questions From Readers column in the Watchtower magazine.
So what has the Governing Body been doing for the past year to up-build the flock with spiritual food?
The latest QFR should give us a clue. October 15, 2001 Questions From Readers asks:
How were the poles for carrying the ark of the covenant positioned, since 1 Kings 8:8 indicates that they were visible from the Holy?
We then get a full page of information on just how the poles for the ark of the covenant might have been stored while not being transported and yet able to be seen from the holy. In paragraph 3 the writer states:
While this explanation is plausible, we cannot be dogmatic about it.
Thank God for that! I was worried that being dogmatic about how the poles of the ark were stored might somehow upset my life in a major way.
Yet the GB can hypocritically be dogmatic about other stupid rules that were enforced by way of the QFR many years ago that seriously effect peoples lives every day. These rules are in no way bible based; however violation of them will get you dis-fellowshipped from the congregation based on nothing more than a QFR column.
How is it that the GB can be dogmatic about these rules, and then proudly state how they can’t be dogmatic about how the poles are stored for the ark that was destroyed over 2500 years ago?
Loyal JW’s wake up. This GB is doing NOTHING to help the flock if this is the best they can come up with after a year of working at it full time.