Hi Ephan,
According to my online "MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S", (APOSTATE--see apostasy;
Main Entry: apos·ta·sy
Pronunciation: &-'päs-t&-sE
Function: noun
1 : renunciation of a religious faith
2 : abandonment of a previous loyalty
It says, renunciation of a religious faith, which would be the term we're applying in this instance.
As Witnesses go from door-to-door, isn't the main purpose to start "bible studies" to get people to learn how THEIR present religion is false, and to get them to CHANGE their religion and become a Witness?
So, all those that become Witnesses by that method or by other ways used by the Watchtower Society, the result is the same........those people have turned away from PREVIOUS religious beliefs to become JWs, HAVE become (according to the best-known dictionary) "APOSTATES!!!!"
Before I could get baptized as a JW, I had to write a letter to my former church and, in writing, inform them that I wanted my name removed from their rolls, and just WHAT religion I was now adhering to.
Yes! At THAT time, I DID become an APOSTATE (it's such a dreaded word in the minds and hearts of JWs, isn't it?)
An apostate is NOT just a person who has left the Watchtower Society, although no one else seems to use that term.
If you could think of a polite way to bring this up to your folks, or even ask them if THEY belonged to another religion before they became Witnesses, well....you know how far you can pursue this...but it is a fact!!!
Take care, kid.