The book of Enoch is not on the list. Does it not make an appearance anywhere?
Posts by 2+2=5
The Bible - Which books get to stay or go decided my men - cut & paste old school
by HarryMac inwestern traditioneastern orthodox traditionoriental orthodox traditionassyrian eastern traditionbooksprotestant.
[o 1]roman catholicgreek orthodoxslavonic orthodoxgeorgian orthodoxarmenian apostolic.
(part of 4 esdras)no.
My chat with 2 Dubs yesterday about UN membership
by jookbeard ini live close to a resonanbly busy street, 20 odd shops banks, a train station,a couple of cafes and coffee shops etc and usually see dubs doing street work close to the station and i'm now on nodding terms with an elder who is out most days of the week and have got close to recognizing most of the hard core of about a dozen of them , i was walking out of the cafe yesterday to be greeted by a couple of newbies i'd never seen before , a scruffy short dumpy man and a fairly well presented middle aged lady, i'll try and abridge the conversation as best as i can, we must have chatted for about 15 minutes and it was all in a good mannered style;.
me " have you sold many of those this morning ?".
jw guy " oh no we dont sell them we give them away for free" (like i didn't know that).
You silly apostates.
It does not matter if the WTS was involved with the UN because they have consistently held the position that the UN is a political organization that is manipulated by Satan. So rest assured whatever association the WTS has had with the UN was done with pure intentions.
The WTS has also held the position that Christians should be strictly neutral in everything political. Remember the situation in Malawi? Witnesses must maintain strict political neutrality. So the WTS would never get involved or agree to support the agenda of a political organization.
Think about it, how could God's Organization be so hypocritical? It is unthinkable!
Only a corruptible human organization with it owns selfish motives, such as the proliferation of its published works and property holdings, as well as its public image and own preservation, be capable of such deceit and hypocrisy. I hope no one is suggesting that the WTS is just another human organization.
Even 1975 was the rank and files fault....... you silly apostates.
British zone visit from David Splane - a report from the special meeting in Glasgow
by slimboyfat inwell i went to a "special meeting" in the armadillo today where a 2 & 1/2 hour programme was relayed from london at 1pm.
apparently the letters of invitation only went out a month or so ago and not all congregations were invited.
there were 2,900 of us from around scotland.
We had that talk in Australia a while back, I remember it well. I remember everyone gushing over it, I heard nothing but positive comments.
The GB are viewed like God's among mortal men by the rank and file JWs. They could fart and belch into the microphone and it would be greeted with applause.
My chat with 2 Dubs yesterday about UN membership
by jookbeard ini live close to a resonanbly busy street, 20 odd shops banks, a train station,a couple of cafes and coffee shops etc and usually see dubs doing street work close to the station and i'm now on nodding terms with an elder who is out most days of the week and have got close to recognizing most of the hard core of about a dozen of them , i was walking out of the cafe yesterday to be greeted by a couple of newbies i'd never seen before , a scruffy short dumpy man and a fairly well presented middle aged lady, i'll try and abridge the conversation as best as i can, we must have chatted for about 15 minutes and it was all in a good mannered style;.
me " have you sold many of those this morning ?".
jw guy " oh no we dont sell them we give them away for free" (like i didn't know that).
Nice work.
KM quote? Examining the Truth is bad?
by DATA-DOG ini have been looking for a quote that i believe was in a km, but i just have not found it yet.
it was about examining beliefs.
it was not the quote that said " study is hard work, bethel will do it for you.
Those two quotes blatantly contradict each other.
You should just stop all the fault finding and being so critical of God's Organization DD, and just get back to studying the WT and attending meetings. Be more like André, the Faithfull and Discreet Slave's favorite son.
HI! im new here...
by outofthelionsden ini have been reading post on this forum for many months and i wanted to thank you all for all the great posts and comments that have really helped me get through this hard year of fading.
my husband and i where born in jdubs and almost 1 year ago we started to fade , now that we think about it has been a few years that we were suffering from cognitive dissonance without knowing it.
we feel that finally we have our life back , a life that is just starting.
Hello and welcome. Great to hear that you and your husband have woke up together.
Hi Maybeso, I only just noticed this thread. Welcome.
I have only recently learned TTATT so I know how hard it is and what a rollercoaster ride you are on. It is terrible feeling to have your foundations ripped from under you. It is like you are mourning the death of something. Everything you thought to be true just crumbling away in your hands.
I can remember sitting in the KH last November, and thinking that I need to stop researching my religion and just get serious in 'the truth'. The familiar feel of the KH and the friends there had me feeling kinda secure or something. I resolved in my chair that night that I was going to stick with 'the truth'..... that feeling didn't last more than a day, as I simply couldn't ignore the things that I had learned.
It is still strange for my wife and I even now, to realize TTATT and the fact we don't have all the answers. The WT offers answers, but they are not very satisfying, and prove to be false when scrutinized. On top of that they are extremely demanding of your time, and also induce fear and guilt.
Anyway thanks for sharing. All the best with everything. Good luck on that talk #3
Do You Fear Death?
by Cold Steel inwhether you're a former jw, or active jw, or some other religion, or atheist, what do you say?
do you fear death and, whether yes, no, or i don't know, why?
have changed religious views changed your view of death?
I don't fear death, I am just pissed off that I was told I would never die and because of that, wasted valuable years of my life. My kids won't have that misfortune.
JULY 15th Study Watchtower - NEW LIGHT IS FANTASY
by The Searcher inthe july 15 study watchtower uses all 4 study articles to try to inculcate into every witnesses' mind that the governing body is indisputably god's sole channel of communication on earth.
to do so, it uses a multitude of scriptures along with seriously flawed un-inspired reasoning.
the foundation stone of this watchtower's blatant agenda is the claim that when jesus used only a few to dispense the physical food to the many, he was setting a principle which would be applied to the distribution of spiritual food after he returned to heaven.
this week end at our assembly the CO in one of his talks said that many are not liking the new watchtower.
He said this in a talk from the platform? Was this a CA or DC? I would love to hear this just to get more of the context.
I wonder if he was referring to the stir it has caused on the Internet among the ex-JW community, or if was referring to an actual rejection amongst the rank and file JWs, because this would be significant. I would have thought that most JWs would not even have studied this WT properly and probably won't ever.
I thought this "new idea" was great for the other sheep, it really dignifies them. That's why the GB "love it". Has nothing to do with the promotion they just have themselves.
I hope this nu-lite gets some JWs thinking, which leads them to researching and scrutinizing their beliefs. We all know this crackpot religion does not hold up to scrutiny.
I prefer bat-shit-crazy-religion, but cult or high control is fine.