The number 1 priority for the WTS is it's own survival. It is just a self serving machine.
Welcome to the forum. Are you currently an active JW?
the essence of the christian congregation was the enlightenment of society by preaching (refer to jesus words 'you are the light') and the beautifying of society by acts of love, helpage that have positive impact on peoples lives (see good samaritan or james' words of the faith without action is dead).
why is the wts obstined at not doings acts of helpage?
even those within the congration especially in africa, no corporate social responsibility.
The number 1 priority for the WTS is it's own survival. It is just a self serving machine.
Welcome to the forum. Are you currently an active JW?
please share how your wt study went today...
It's just 100% pure bullshit. I can't believe I use to eat this stuff up.
it was a perfect spring day, and a jazz band were playing in the mall near my work.
in front of the band, two watchtower literature carts stood in solidarity.
i could not work out who were the jws attending them.
Preach the word!!
Or just leave it in the cart while you enjoy coffee.
the image of page 13 of booklet "unseen spirits" from 1978 show a animal similar to a monkey, but it have the pointy ears.
it is a demon materialization?.
The most disturbing part of this image would have to be that giant wooden box. Not only is it apparently seaworthy, but it is suppose to be accommodating every single variety of life on the earth.
The monkey would surely have some prophetic and symbolic significance.
If Larsinger58 was still with us, I am sure he would explain in it quite simply in around 3000 words.
another great article from the ted talks.
opening quote really tells it all: "the distinction between cult and religion lies squarely in how those leaving or those wanting to leave are treated.
"What distinguishes religion from cults is the ability to question without being shunned and ability to reject dogmatic tenets without being shunned."
Mmmmm. Sounds like the WT$.
weird question.
have any of you had any personal experiences with the presence (not watchtower parousia presence) of christ within yoursef i.e the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, etc.
or just experiences when you first came into a true relationship with christ?
We are like avatar brothers.
weird question.
have any of you had any personal experiences with the presence (not watchtower parousia presence) of christ within yoursef i.e the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, etc.
or just experiences when you first came into a true relationship with christ?
You're welcome.
weird question.
have any of you had any personal experiences with the presence (not watchtower parousia presence) of christ within yoursef i.e the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, etc.
or just experiences when you first came into a true relationship with christ?
If symptoms persist, please see a doctor.
hypothetical scenario.
you are a city manager in a major metropolitan city with a population of 3,000,000.. .
if the governing body was truly convinced themselves of the impending disaster and the fact that the end is imminent would they not focus their efforts in spreading the message through effective means such as telephone, television, internet, social networks etc?
I always hated smashing rocks with a hammer to make gravel. What a colossal waste of time.
i am not a jw.
i am basically here for two reasons:.
1. i am not satisfied with mainstream christianity and i believe that jw (along with other sects) have some things to offer in terms of answering my questions.
I am sure God is real concerned with how you deal with your wisdom teeth.
Kids starving by the millions, disease killing countless of innocent people every day, people suffering horrific and violent deaths at the hands of evil men. All of this........... yet it's the teeth in your mouth that has Gods attention.