This man is a disgrace.
Posts by 2+2=5
Morris in Italy
by Achille inmorris in italy, january 5, 2014.
The Watchtower Society is IRRELEVANT!
by nicolaou ini'm not ignoring the pain that thousands of disfellowshipped jw's suffer or the needless deaths or undealt with abuses.
to all these people the watchtower society is far from irrelevant - it's the cause of their misery, isolation and loss.. so what do i mean?.
if we want to make a difference then our focus needs to be on people.
Pretty much.
Most aggravating religious group
by keith85 inlook i don't care what you believe, i really don't.
just leave me out of it.
if i were interested in your beliefs i would pursue them, but trying to force your literature and views onto people is just rude.
Can I ask you Keith, why you don't like religion?
It is true that religion causes many problems in the world today.
I have a magazine here which explains.......
Some vs Many
by Londo111 init is interesting how the watchtower uses these two words.
for instance, the word some is often used to minimize, and many used to maximize.
and yet, it is so unspecific that some might be a greater quantity than many, yet the mind doesnt process these words this way.. for instance, if it is a failed prediction or a changed teaching, they might say, some believed... when it fact some means most or all, because this was food at the proper time coming from gods channel through the watchtower.
Watchtower speak. It is so insidious and manipulative.
How would you answer these questions that came to me in an email through my website? ...
by AndersonsInfo inmany emails are sent to me through my website,
all are answered.
remember 1corinthians 6: 1-2 (i'll answer this question.
I don't think this person is sincere at all. It seems like he has provided you with answers and he expects you to get back to the KH.
Any New Light(TM) for 2014?
by punkofnice ini know there has been some real nauseating rubbish in the publications recently.
the governing body(r) are god it would seem.. each year the wbt$ trots out some real hilarious nonsense to make the drones feel as if they have special knowledge.
like the 'toes are not significant(tm)' from a couple of years ago.. all time fave 'overlapping generations(tm)'.
Jehovah is strapped for cash.
Will the 2014 Memorial partaking YOUR last?
by prologos inpossibly yes.
many wt doctrine dissenters have privately taken the bread&wine on that night for years.
one reason is that the new covenant is not for heaven, but for forgiveness of sin, and jesus served the emblems to those with an earthly hope.
That will be tough for me. Have not been to a meeting since March, but if I miss the memorial, family stuff could get real weird and awkward. Not to mention Jehovah will get real sad.
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
Come back punk!!! Jesus loves you!
Fallacies about Faith
by tec inpeace to you!.
this thread is about false things (some) atheists think theists believe.
this is not a thread about false things that atheists think about theists.
All this "My lord spoke to me" BS is utterly ridiculous and not a single person with even a shred of common sense, could possibly consider any part of these delusional rantings are anything other than pure fiction.
I cannot over emphasize how ludicrous this garbage sounds to the overwhelming majority of people. Arrogant, delusional, condescending don't even come close to describing these stupid posts about hearing the voice of Christ.
That is all I will say on the subject.
Peace be with you
a slave of common sense
Tomorrow's World - Some WT like Mag delivered to my residence.
by Band on the Run inmy mailbox contained more than the usual collection of catalogues that i can easily go online to view.
a wt mag called tomorrow's world from an unkown group was mailed to my home address.
i don't need such garbage in my home.
I fail to see the what the big deal is.
I get religious crap in my mail box regularly, I don't panic or feel violated, I just throw it in the bin and never give it a second thought.
That works for me, try it out and see how you feel.