New lights. They get brighter and brighter.
Posts by 2+2=5
by DATA-DOG inso...the wife wants to go to new york.
she wants to visit the holy land and see the new bible museum.
( sorry, trying not to vomit..) do you have any idea what it costs to fly to ny and get a room?
Vinyl words printed for back of my car should say??
by RayPublisher inso let's say i've thought about having some vinyl lettering printed up and stuck on the back windshield of the car to publicize ttatt...what should it say?.
"do you know ttatt?".
"jehovah's witnesses are a cult that breaks up families".
Lol DD. My return visit is your Mom.....
No taxes, no charity, no problem. That is pretty good.
Why Does this super smart Bible God not perform miracles
by confusedandalone inlet's be serious - if you really want people to have faith and to be able to now absolute truth why not perform miracles.
why not make the bible a blank book and when you open it, it addresses you personally in writing of course.
for instance it says, "hey confusedandalone this is what i need you to do.
Village Girl -
Why is Cofty so filled with just mean spirited hatred
for random anything and what exactly is his world view?
from cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope.
wallowing in what seems to be depression and a level of
thinking we see in nine year old boys, or two year old's
having temper tantrums.
I don't see any mean spirited hatred. For the most part, I just see pure logic and solid reasoning, with all of his claims and arguments based firmly in reality.
If believers want to be encouraged by like minded people, I am sure there are forums for that.
If someone states as a fact that a man lived inside a fish for 3 days, or a snake talked to a woman, or *insert bible miracle here*, I think they should expect to come up against opposition to their ideas.
Just because someone rejects the idea of a invisible creator, and likes to debate the idea, doesn't mean he is full of hatred or anti-life. Rejecting superstitious ideas for lack of evidence is not throwing a tantrum.
Raise your beers to Mr Wallace !
by snare&racket insome people don't realise that attacking darwin's personal life over evolution is nonsensical as he was not the only scientist with the theory at the time.
many scientists were debating the idea including darwin's father and grandfather.
amongst the people throwing the theory around was a young poor welshman with a love for biology and questions, his name was alfred, yes everyone could calm down a welsh :) man called alfred wallace was also on the case...... many don't know that he contributed much to the theory too.
I liked the quotes you put together there. It seems Wallace had a real humble attitude, and the bottom two, well..... lets not get the thread off topic.
Awake JWs: any ideas on subliminally sharing TTATT?
by Island Man inlet me share one possible way:.
say you're out in the ministry with another asleep jw and it's your turn to speak to the householder.
you can steer the conversation in such a way that you can talk about the pharisees' unreasonable interpretation of the sabbath law and how it was contrary to what god intended.
Cough cough cult cough
Did having kids make your decision to leave easier or harder?
by Comatose ini was thinking about a few things confusedandalone said the other day.
i mirrored his thinking identically.
for me it was having kids that made my decision to leave an easier one.. if i had no children, i might still be in and just going through the motions.
Easier for sure.
I might still be going to the occasional meeting and even kept up a monthly appearance witnessing if I had no children. It would make some of my family relationships much better and I could have kept some friends.
Upon learning ttatt, the weight of responsibilty I felt in not letting my kids become JWs was huge.
It is not fair to drag my kids along to weekly indoctrination sessions and demand they keep still and quiet. I wasted my youth being a JW, it is the last thing I want for my kids.
Epistemology. I Wonder 2...
by braincleaned inwhat is the value of our knowledge?.
i respect all beliefs for what they are.
but many of us are being treated condescendingly by those who have more certainty than we atheists do.
After weeks and even months of researching the WTS and all their failed predictions, deliberate deceptions and so on, I obviously concluded that the WT religion was not the truth.
I held on to a belief in the bible and Jesus for a brief moment afterward. This belief in Jesus and the bible lasted only weeks not months. For me, it just doesn't make any sense logically or provide any satisfying answers.
Tec, when you say "listen to Christ", could explain exactly what this means as succinctly as possible?
For me, and I mean no offense, your constant claims of having heard this and that, and having such and such revealed to you by Jesus, just makes Jesus seem like a dick. What makes you so special to get this attention from the Lord? Why does he choose to communicate so clearly and so directly with you, but others get nothing? Why won't he speak to me?
I spent my youth and young adulthood trying to please him. Can I not even get a "Hello, how's it going? Jesus loves you better days are just around the corner", or something? Anything??
I have prayed thousands of times, but I have not heard a peep.
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
He has been busted by the elders for frequenting apostate sites and is now trying to demonstrate his repentance by publicly announcing he is returning to Jehovah, because he doesn't want to be shunned by family?...?..
I just made that up.
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Did he not see the man behind the curtain?
A Manual for Creating Atheists by Peter Boghossian
by cofty ina manual for creating atheists offers the first-ever guide not for talking people into faith--but for talking them out of it.
peter boghossian draws on the tools he has developed and used for more than twenty years as a philosopher and educator to teach how to engage the faithful in conversations that will help them value reason and rationality, cast doubt on their religious beliefs, mistrust their faith, abandon superstition and irrationality, and ultimately embrace reason.
- amazon.... "boghossian has provided an indispensible chart book for all of us who must navigate the rising sea of magical thinking that is inundating america today.
That was beautiful bohm. Never stop questioning the nature of reality.
But that is only your perspective of perspectivists. It doesn't really count for anything. You need to look at it from a different perspective.