The "Jesus-book" was one of the best i think
JoinedPosts by DeWandelaar
My favourite JW books when I was a delusional.convert. Did you have any ?
by smiddy indid you have any favourite books by the society when you were in ?not that this book was my fav.
yet it was the first book i read learning about jw`s.
" from paradise lost to paradise regained " i know , it was designed for the young , however my mentor thought that since i had no understaning of the bible it was what i needed.
Do Wills Ever Affect Shunning?
by Cold Steel ina man has several sons and daughters who are active jehovah's witnesses.
so was his wife, who died two years ago.
he has since lapsed into apostasy and has been openly critical of the governing body.
If I was an old apostate and alone... and my family would not talk to me... I would make a new will and would only let them have a letter with a middle finger drawing and the text: jehovah will provide for you so you won't get a penny from me... That would give some of them a good time :P
Contradictory Timelines - Do they REALLY think we are this stupid?
by piztjw inso in today's wt, as brought out in another thread, it is the nations that make the declaration of "peace and security.
" yet just a few paragraphs later they claim, in answer to their own question of who declares "peace and security", that the bible doesn't say.. in the very next paragraph they say that angels are holding back the destructive winds of the great tribulation.
to answer their next question as to what those angels are waiting for they say the wait is for the "annointed" to receive their second sealing, referring to a 2007 q/r which says the second sealing is finished only when the "annointed" (including the gb) are in heaven.
Why is everyone trying to make sense out of nonsense?!
The Watchtower Society is IRRELEVANT!
by nicolaou ini'm not ignoring the pain that thousands of disfellowshipped jw's suffer or the needless deaths or undealt with abuses.
to all these people the watchtower society is far from irrelevant - it's the cause of their misery, isolation and loss.. so what do i mean?.
if we want to make a difference then our focus needs to be on people.
Finally someone who understands... Welcome my Lone Wolve Brother ;)
Will the 2014 Memorial partaking YOUR last?
by prologos inpossibly yes.
many wt doctrine dissenters have privately taken the bread&wine on that night for years.
one reason is that the new covenant is not for heaven, but for forgiveness of sin, and jesus served the emblems to those with an earthly hope.
My last was 2013... I won't go to the one in 2014 (my first one ever!)
Could really use some help regarding legal letter to avoid DF
by Comatose ini used to have a webpage saved and i have lost it.
a young man and his wife had faded.
they had a birthday party for their child and were called before a judicial committee.
Is there actually anyone who had a official lawyer handling their case against DF?
An Alternative To Atheism and Theism?
by metatron in
i was stunned to see this article come from sciam.
i see it as largely consistent with my belief in pantheism.. i understand that some might quibble with my describing it as an alternative to atheism or theism, in regard to technical definitions of those terms but , at least, i see it as an alternative to what sort of thought is often associated with those words.. interesting stuff.
Try to search for "Deism" on wikipedia
I just noticed this little change in the NEW New World Translation
by stillin init always made me think when i corinthians 11 was read at the memorial, when jesus said "as often as you keep doing this..." i would think"hmmm, once a year isn't really very often, the other churches are a lot more often than us.".
great to see that they fixed that to "keep doing this.
" wouldn't want any doubts, now, would we?.
It is more interesting that all the gospels etc are quite a lot of bullshit. Who would know better about the memorial (if itever occured)... Paul or the disciples? It is PAUL who talks most about it, 1 of the most important ones (john) does not even mention, 2 are almost the same (mark/matthew) Etc. iow: eyewitnesses are scarse to say the least!
There is no end of the world
by maccauk11 inrevelation was wirtten to those seven 1st century churhces not thechurhc of doolaly in florida etc.
those 1st cnetruy beleivers were fully expectant of the returning king in power and he did.
he didnot lei or mislead them.
The world WILL end... But not within the next 50.000 years. When the sun stops we will all die.... Psychics are a bitch aren't they?!
EX JW gamers unite!
by snare&racket inwhats your xbox live tag?
anyone fancy a gta bf4'or cod blast?
why havent we done this earlier lol.
Send me a PM please... I play GTA V, Halo4, Gears of War 3 and CoD Ghost mostly lately