Nice,even tho some people have problems with her,I always liked her.
Tell her hello from Shera.
i'm feeling really good today.. i had lunch with prisca yesterday, it was really great.
we talked about the reasons we both left the borg, it was really great to talk to someone face to face about everything.
the best thing is she only lives 10 minutes away from me, how great is that.. she moved to melbourne about 12 months ago.
Nice,even tho some people have problems with her,I always liked her.
Tell her hello from Shera.
Sweet lil pup.
yep, as pis#*ed off as she obviously was at losing to a young russian..............did i say lose????????
sorry, i meant got thrashed................she then proceeded in her speech to say "and i thank my god jehovah for getting me here.
" or something to that effect!
I don't think the WT is cracking for everyday people,only towards people who are famous and bring in the money.
If I was a still a JW and my daughter was involved and I put her in a competive sport...whoa...I can imagine the "mark" ,I would get.
Nothing against your opinion czar,but this is how I see it.
yep, as pis#*ed off as she obviously was at losing to a young russian..............did i say lose????????
sorry, i meant got thrashed................she then proceeded in her speech to say "and i thank my god jehovah for getting me here.
" or something to that effect!
I don't mind what the Williams girls are doing - it's healthy and normal to be playing tennis. I just deplore the hypocrisy as other jw youths are told not to pursue their passions, whether it be athletics, acting, singing, or other endeavors.
Agreed!So true.
i'm sure that i would've, believing that jehovah god would be proud of me.
I had alot of problems with this,but I knew I would let my daughter have one.I would have been scared what would happen with her,because of the aids situation,but there was no way I would let my daughter die.
(nothing against the people who would not have,I have been a JW before myself so I understand)
what was the very first thing that "stumbled" you?
mine was: i was about 5 or 6 years old and of course i used to find it really hard to find things in my bible at meetings (couldn't find the books quick enough before they moved onto the next paragraph and used to get frustrated).
i had the idea to make little tabs for the edges of the pages so i could tell where the books were - so i asked mum to help me neatly write out the book names on tiny slips of paper and tape them inside.
***hugs*** Not very nice stuff to go threw!
My reason sure isn't as harmful,but it was during WT studies and the info and scriptures didn't add up.
i took the "belief-o-matic" survey at beliefnet yesterday, and it looks like i am a mormon.
the survey matches your beliefs on various matters to the creeds of the world's religions and assigns a percentage.
i was 100% church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.
Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) |
i thought it would be neat if we could see what each others canine, feline, avian, etc.companions look like.... .
here's my love, her name is chelsea, she is 9-1/2 years, and i have had her since she was 8 weeks old.
she is a golden lab mix, thus i affectionately call her "mutt butt" .
What adorable animals.Love the horses!
Ray,I love your Tiel,she looks like a sweety!
Here are some links to my babies¤t=Picture_949.jpg
Here is my cat named Toby¤t=Picture_042.jpg
happy canada day !!!!!!!!!
have a pint or three for me as i won't be able to have a beer till after the baby arrives (around aug 6th).
believe me, i will thoroughly enjoy my birthday this year
Thanks from a pround Canadian.
that is a link to the smoking gun.
the entire story is there.i read the arrest report.
I "got lucky" when I was 15 with a 30-year old JW woman. They disfellowshipped me.
Sorry to hear,and yes,that was just wrong.