I'm not sure how to answer this,but I just wanted to tell you,you always make me smile with your humor.
i dont know if this has already been posted .sorry if it has.
i understand the above wt in letters to the readers takes time to tell all that the holy spirt is not a person ( still a thing like electricty).
it cannot believe they can tell the people that they cannot be indwelt by the holy spirit .but they can believe they can be indwelt with demons.....go figure that one.!!!!.
I'm not sure how to answer this,but I just wanted to tell you,you always make me smile with your humor.
Welcome Jade. BIG ********hugs********* for you.
Glad to have you here and I'm sorry how you have been hurt.Take care.
I would just tell em to bite me....
so how's it going for you this weekend?
the end of a long week perhaps?
spending a bit of time just unwinding?
1. Romancing
2. Sleeping
3. Drinking tea
4. Reading
7. Talking
8. Posting on JWD
9. Watching sport
13. A hobby
14. Two hobbies!
15. Other cleaning,which is good thing,I guess....
we all have to be careful about how much information we give out over the net,,it is wise and prudent in some areas,, but what about age???.
now i know many women don't like to admit they are over 29 what do you think is the percentage of correct profiles in reguards to age??.
this is private information and i don't want this to be a prying type of thread just reasonable discussion.
Nope,34 is my age.I'm really liking my 30's.I'm so much more comfortable with my life.
i was visiting my mother yesterday, and she related some disappointment with, what i believe was last thursday's meeting.
apparently, in the km, they were giving instruction on how to behave at this year's convention (as they do every year).
however, it was pointed out that when going out to eat after a convention day, that the brothers and sisters should not be laughing loud, or being noisy in general.
Gawd,tell her to be herself and be happy and laugh away.
Frig them!
Give your mama a big HUG!
Hi Brummie,nice to see the furry little pudy cat!
hello to all on this website.
a brief intro...i am 30, was df'd at 26 (on my b-day no less) should have been df'd a long time ago.
i have no complaints about being out of the organization now, however the initial shock going through the loss of friends and family took some time to get over.
By the way.... ChimChim's PC may possibly have Spay Ware. Just warning everyone :)
Whats up with that comment regarding my daughter?
my wife just called me to tell me that as she was leaving the house this morning to run some errands, there were 2 " nice looking" ladies coming up our drive.
we have a 200 foot driveway and she encountered them already on our property approaching the house, just as she was driving out.
she said she knew they were jws because of the conservative looking clothes and cheap vinyl book bags.
Nice and way to go to your wife!
last week, my middle daughter, 15, found a large lump in her throat.
it was about the size of a quarter.
when she pointed it out, it was very visible.. the doctor said, after viewing the ultra-sound pics, that it was either a cyst with an unusual hardened mass inside or a carsanoma, [not sure of spelling] a cancer attached to her thyroid.
Hope all goes well for your daughter.
****hugs**** Mom and daughter
(**hugs** for animal too!)