This stuff really just makes me sick to my stomach.
By doing this, they're essentially insinuating that we, the Sheep, were so impressionable and innocent and vulnerable that seeing ONE MOVIE or listening to ONE SONG could totally screw with our relationship with Jehovah!
What kind of a word is "relationship" in a Godly context, anyway? Let's find out:
Noun: Relationship: A state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
Mutual dealings? What the fark is mutual about prayer? In reality, prayer is a lot like sending UDP packets across the Internet - you never know if they've reached their destination. Of course, sometimes the other computer will send back it's own UDP packets, and that's what makes it work, so this is in fact the worst possible example to use to illustrate the average human's relationship with Jehover, because, to the best of my knowledge, no reputable evidence exists of Jehover replying.
Whoops, probably offended half the board with that last paragraph. But isn't that what's really going on? We've been DUPED! Well, you can't please all the people all the time, unless you're a porn star!
Back to the topic.Yeah, Witnesses take immense pleasure in telling each other that this song or that movie is "bad", using an entirely arbitrary classification scale. But God help you if you do go and watch that movie! Satan is using it to enter your mind, y'know!
The funny thing is that anyone who ever questions the Godly authority of the Governing Body is instantly DF'ed. In fact, word has it that a number of confrontations between members of this board and the Elders have involved the Elders asking the posters whether they still believed that the Faithful and Discreet Slave (what a ridiculous name) were God's chosen channel. You'd think that there would be some sort of peer review process, the same sort that helps scientists to check each other's results and make sure that the other scientists wasn't fooling around or fudging the numbers to get better funding.
Do the Witnesses have this facility? NOPE! If you don't like your leaders, you can go jump in the lake! And make sure it's one of those really cold Norwegian ones where you have to hack through two feet of ice to get into it first!
No, what this comes down to is a bunch of people who think that they can determine what other people should watch (cf. many totalitarian governments, e.g. China) and listen to. However, nobody is allowed to tell them what to do! Oh no! That would be blasphemy!
My God, I'm getting all worked up about the doings of a bunch of eight guys in Manhattan. It ain't fair! I should be out playing football or something, but here I am...grrr...well, I enjoy it. It's a relief.