Both of these main Govt`s. in Australia know how to waste taxpayers money.Not so long ago the Govt. conducted a Census ,they could have saved the taxpayers thousands of dollars by just adding this question to the Census ,but no that would be too easy
.This issue has been around for a long time.
As has been pointed out it is only a survey and is not compulsory to vote and is not binding on the Government to act according to the results that are voted on by the Australian people .
When the results are in the Government can either accept or reject the findings of the survey.
Simply because of those facts mentioned above I just threw the postal survey in the bin when I received it .
This Government will do whatever it wants to do regardless of what the majority of the people vote for.
The whole exercise is a distraction for the what really concerns the voting public of Australians and that is Jobs ,manufacturing jobs,electricity prices ,shutting down coal power stations while selling coal overseas,having shortages of gas here because we sell it all overseas leaving a shortfall here.While we have an abundance here of both gas and coal for our own use and we are denied it and are paying exorbitant prices for it when it should be relatively cheap.